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We were at the hospital. I was laying down on one of the beds.

The doctor bandaged my wound from the stab.

Both Karina and Ari were with me. I don't know what would've happened if they didn't show up.

My dad was home.

He just finished his 10th bottle.

I was about to leave but he saw me and started grabbing onto me. But I ran away from the house and he ran after me in the alley.

He had a knife.

And stabbed me.

I look over to Ari and Karina.

They both looked worried.

"I'm fine now. Don't worry." I assure them.

"Yubin you were stabbed and you're in the hospital." Ari sternly says.

I look down.

I hear Ari sigh.

She holds my hand.

"It's ok. We're here." She says.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but who was that man that stabbed you?" Karina ask.

Part of me wasn't sure whether to tell her or not. But I gotten to know her and I trust her.

"My dad..." I trail off.

I see shock in her face.

"Why would he to that?" Karina ask.

I explained to Karina about my dad and how he beats me.

"Yubin that's terrible." Karina hugs me.

"It's ok. I'm fine Karina. Don't worry." I smile at her.

"I'll go ahead and sign the papers for your discharge. The doctor said you're fine now. I'll be back." Karina excuses herself.

She leaves me and Ari.

"I know what you're thinking..." I say.

"I won't force you to tell the truth. But I'll always be supporting you and will always be here." She tells me.

I start sobbing.

Ari hugs me tightly.

"Sunghoon comes back tomorrow." I say still crying.

Ari nods.

"Now shall we go to my house eat ice cream while crying over Leonardo DiCaprio?" Ari smiles.

"Always." I smile.

"But don't tell Sunghoon I think young DiCaprio is slightly better looking than him." I add.

"Secret safe with me." Ari laughs.

Karina got back from signing the papers.

"Karina I'm sorry you had to be dragged into this." I say sadly.

"No it's ok. As long as you're safe now. It breaks my heart to see you in such pain." Karina smiles.

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