An Idea for a Gift

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Luz was excited! Her birthday was coming up soon and she couldn't wait! Just a few days left...

Amity on the other hand, was not.

Maybe it was because Luz was talking about it constantly and it was annoying her. Perhaps she was tired because she was up late studying again. She does have a reputation, after all.

Or maybe Amity was worried because she doesn't have a gift for Luz yet, and she's running out of time. Gus and Willow already knew what they were getting her.

Gus was getting her something about anime or whatever...she doesn't pay attention to those things unless Luz is talking about it, because for some reason everything Luz says is music to her ears.

Willow was getting her a plant in a pot with the words "happy birthday" on it. Amity kind of expected that, to be honest...

But what was she going to get her?

Amity tried to think of anything Luz hinted at wanting recently, but nothing came to mind. Did she want them all to guess or something?

While heading home from school, she looked around for something Luz would like. Why was this so hard...?

Then she came across a pet store.

A puppy in the store window barked happily when it saw Amity, wagging it's tail.

'I guess I can look around there today and come back tomorrow if I see anything Luz would want.'

Satisfied with her plan, Amity went inside the pet store.

A woman at the front desk noticed her and smiled. "Hello! What can I do for you today?"

"Oh, nothing at the moment. I'm just looking around..."

"All right. Let me know if you need anything!"

There were all kinds of animals: fish, snakes, cats, dogs, pretty much anything that you could own as a pet.

Amity went to check out the dogs first. A poodle was taking a nap while a German Shepherd was eating. The puppy Amity saw earlier was chasing its own tail.

She then turned her attention to a rabbit in a cage by itself. It was taking a nap too.

'What would Luz want...?'

She noticed a Calico cat playing with a toy and went over to it. It didn't seem to have a name...

The woman from earlier went over to Amity. "We just got her this morning and haven't settled on a name yet. Apparently she was found outside and someone brought her in since she seemed lost."

Poor kitty...she meowed at Amity and put her paw on the cage door.

'Luz likes cats...'

"I think she likes you."

"Can I play with her?"

"Sure, just put her back when you're done."

Amity spent a few hours playing with the cat, and even read a story to her before putting her back in her cage. She had a few names in her head, but she wanted Luz to choose one.

"I'll come back for you tomorrow okay?"

The kitty meowed and Amity left the pet store, hoping Luz would like her gift.

(Sooo there's another chapter coming and I already started on it. I kinda ran out of stuff to write halfway through, in case you couldn't tell. Originally this was gonna be one part until I wanted to do both pov's separately, then two chapters happened.

See you in the next (and final) chapter!


Written on: July 23, 2021

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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