Beautiful 🦋 Goodbye

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Chanyeol opened the door to their empty house. His heart felt heavy as he walked in, holding Bomi's picture frame close to his chest


Noah stormed towards Chanyeol's bedroom. He opened the door but the one he was looking for was nowhere to be found. He went to his own room this time, searching for the same person

Chanyeol-Noah, mommy is not here anymore
Noah-Mommy is here. Mommy is here

Noah also checked inside the bathroom, outside at the balcony, in the kitchen, laundry room, literally every single space that existed in their house

Chanyeol-That's enough

Chanyeol grabbed Noah by his arm and pulled him into his hug

Noah-I want to find mommy! Let me go, I want to find mommy!

Chanyeol couldn't mouth a thing. He held Noah tightly, stroking his back up and down. Chanyeol knew Noah needed more time to adapt to their current situation, especially now that Bomi is gone forever

Even Chanyeol himself found it hard and painful to accept, let alone his 5-year-old son

Chanyeol-It's alright Noah, I'm here for you. I promise I won't leave your side. We both are going to be okay

Noah wrapped his arms around his father's neck, as he sobbed on Chanyeol's shoulder

They sat on the floor in the living room, crying in each other's arms

While on this side a husband and a son were crying over the passing of a beloved wife and mother, there was a father who mourned over the loss of his one and only daughter

Jongho-Bomi... I've missed you already. I missed you so much Bomi

Jongho hugged the last picture of him and Bomi which they took a few days ago. The pain was indescribable. It felt like he was being stabbed so many times in the heart that he could not speak but to cry

Jongho-I missed her. I missed my daughter
Minkyung-Me too
Jongho-She was smiling like it was nothing that day. If I knew it was the last time I'd see her smile like this, I would have hug her.., and tell her how much I love her
Minkyung-She knows

Minkyung squeezed Jongho's hand, nodding. She stroked her husband's back as he leant on her shoulder, still crying


Chanyeol plugged in the pendrive she got from Haru to his laptop. He opened the folder and found 2000++ videos that Bomi recorded before she passed away

Haru said they are all for Noah. She asked Chanyeol to play one video for Noah every day. It was a method Bomi wanted to use so Noah wouldn't feel her absence too much

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