Time's up

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The past four days were calm. And oddly peaceful. It was clear no one wanted to die or kill. I sat in between Leon and Mondo. Kiibo being across from me. We had a mostly peaceful breakfast, not when Byakuya and Toko are in the same room. A day into the countdown Taka suggested having breakfast together. Kiibo immediately agreed to that idea. I think it was probably what his first friends did. Mondo was reluctant but agreed anyhow. Today would be the last day for us here. And I was worried, Taka was equally worried. Leon and I were planning to discover the mastermind. I had found a random metal baseball bat but put it back to hold suspicion. Leon soon whispered in my ear saying.

"I got the stuff from Chihiro, we should excuse ourselves for now", Leon whispered.

"Thanks so much for the food Kyoko and Taka", I said getting up.

Both of them bowed. We left to set up our stuff to find the mastermind.

"What in the hell are you two doing?", we heard a voice behind us.

Both Leon and I jumped in surprise. It was only Mondo.

"Oh hey dude! Wanna help out?", Leon asked.

Mondo gave us a perplexed look.

"We're trying to kill the mastermind", I told Mondo.

"Fine, but keep your voices down", Mondo told.

We set up for work. Mondo handled the taller stuff, Leon handled the shorter stuff. With minor check ins with Taka we managed to not get caught by him! When we finished Mondo gave us the alarm thing. He gave us another thing.

"What's this for?", I asked.

"To not make us suspicious, that one is a button to let me know the mastermind had triggered the sensor", Mondo said holding up a vibrator like thing.

"What the?", Leon asked.

"I know a lot about mechanic work, I made that myself", Mondo told.

"But I thought you were a gang leader?", Leon asked.

"Yes, but there were a bunch of times where I had to do mechanical work, I made them in my dorm", Mondo told.

We nodded.

"Alright thanks Mondo!", I exclaimed.

He nodded in response and left.

"Now or never", Leon shakily told.

I nodded. We went to the nearest location to the gym since we had the sensor and a door there.

POV SWAP! Mondo!

I walked around and found Kiibo, it wasn't shown physically but I was smiling. The little man cared for us, and that's what a good friend does. I walked over to him.

"Oh! Hey Mondo!", the little guy exclaimed.

"Hey, you doing ok?", I asked him.

He's been anxious the entire day. And I'm generally worried for the little man.

"Just anxious, what if we don't make it?", Kiibo whimpered.

I hugged the tiny man.

"You're soft like a teddy bear...! You remind me of Gonta...!", Kiibo sadly giggled.

I looked at him. And I pet his head. After ten minutes my mechanical thing vibrated. I took it out. I read what it said.

"Low battery, god dammit", I groaned.

"There's batteries in the ware house follow me!", Kiibo exclaimed with a smile.

So I followed him.

POV SWAP! Hiro! Same time as Mondo!

As Leon and I continued to chat I wondered what Mondo was up to. After fifteen minutes the sensor went off. We immediately sprang into action. Leon clicked the button to Mondo's sensor and ran off. There was a lever near the door. I looked at it. Grabbed my bag and left the room. When we got to the gym, Leon seemed to stop moving. What was he looking at? I checked near the camera, the button was weirdly pressed. The button wasn't pressed before? Soon there was running and then it stopped. I turned to see Aoi.

"What's up?", I asked her.

She has a terrified look on her face.

"What happened? You look terrified", I said worried.

"You might want to follow me", Aoi gulped.

So I did, she took me to something I never wanted to see. Oh god

671 words!

What did Aoi find? Why did Leon stay still?

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