~Was that Jimin!?~

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His P.O.V
"Can you please stop behaving like a kid!?" I look deep into this tiny girl's soul trying to sow some fear in her.
"Me!? Look at the whole scenario carefully, mister! You are the one throwing unnecessary tantrum LIKE A FREAKING KID!" Her annoyingly high pitch made me cover my ear that was close to her face. I thought my eardrums would burst.
"Calm down kids!" The old woman spoke after listening to our rageful conversation.
We lower our gaze out of shame. Indeed the both of us were fighting like kindergarten babies who wanted to ride the same swing.
"Both of you" she points at each of us " come here, now!" She points the place in front of her.
We give the last glare full of hate to eachother and walk to her, heads hung low.
"Are you guys a couple?" She asks the most disgusting question.
"No!" The answer left our mouths with 0% doubt. Rather die single than living with a mosquito.
"Okay okay... Let's maintain our volume. We don't want neighbours to think there's an earthquake arriving, do we?" She takes the strawberry box from the tiny brat's hand gently.
"Sorry.." she mumbles like a baby who is getting scolded by her mom.
"Now. Yelling at eachother won't make a solution to your problem. Solve it like adults and not like kids." The man spoke while scanning his eyes on both of us.
"Follow me."
The three of us follow the woman back to the reception. My eyes peeked at the girl who took her beanie out of frustration. Her hair got released from its hold and seamlessly fell over her shoulders. She looks too tiny to be dangerous. But damn, she is so difficult to get rid of.
As Iam engrossed at looking at her, she catches me off-guard. I immediately dart my eyes somewhere else. I look at the strawberry pack which the lady now placed on the table.

Iam never giving up the pack! I need them!
Can't believe Iam struggling so much to buy fruits, not even for myself but for someone else. I would be snuggling in my sheets right now if i weren't forced to buy these.

"Iam really sorry to bother you. Especially at this hour. I'll just take the pack and leave you guys" this tiny brat steals the pack from the table innocently. Too bad, this won't melt me.
"Wait a second gurl." I immediately grab her wrist and swirl her around.
"Don't touch me" she throws daggers through her eyes
"Don't touch my thing" i return her gift.
"Peace you guys! Peace!" The man stands from his place. He takes the pack and places back to its initial position.
We both sit on the chairs that were near to us, clearly exhausted by all this shit.
"The person who deserves the box gets it." The woman speaks as she took her own seat.
"Why do you need the box, my son?" The man politely asked me.
I don't even know why iam doing this! Wow this is exhausting. Iam just going to get this done. I look at each one of them and end on this little demon. She rolls her eyes at me showing some annoying attitude.
She is going to regret it a big time. I just smirk at her. I know how to handle this now.
"Iam really in need if them." I start off my Oscar winning acting. I drop my face sadly trying to manipulate the sweet old couple with my sad imaginative story.
"My wife is pregnant and her health is bad right now. The doctor has recommended her to eat a lot of strawberries." I raise my sad face to look at them again. As my eyes land on the other pair which were rolling at mine just seconds ago. She is listening at my sad story carefully yet suspiciously, surely not completely believing my sudden change in demeanor.
I just smirk to prove her suspicion right. She immediately understood my gesture and her mouth gaped open.
"Oh my my. Is it really serious?" The old woman places her hand on my left shoulder expressing some genuine concern. Ok now i feel bad for lying.
"Uh-yeah.. I mean, she was feeling very uneasy and that is why she asked me to get her some of them." I take hold of her wrinkled hand that she placed on my shoulder.
"I hope you understand my situation ma'am" I look at her with puppy eyes.
"Oh yes my child. I absolutely do." She cups one of my cheek with her other hand. I smile faintly at her.
Immediately i hear the other female scoff in disbelief. All of our heads face her now. I see a small smirk creep on her face which fades away in seconds.
An even sadder expression is plastered on her face. She even started tearing up.
"Iam pregnant too. And i absolutely understand what your wife is going through." She looks into my eyes with her teary ones. Iam just dumbstruck by her acting skills now.
"Oh my god, honey. Is everything okay?" The man next to her is immediately affected by her fake tears.
"I wish i was. Iam suffering from the same problem as his wife. And i know how difficult it is to face it." She sobs and raises her eyes only to send a quick wink at me.
"She is lucky she has her husband to be taken care by. I need to suffer all by myself" she wipes her tears and looks at the old man next to her.
"Oh god. That's so sad. Don't worry my child, god will surely get you out of this." The woman who was still holding my hand suddenly let goes of her grip and walks to that crocodile.

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