Chapter 3

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I woke up at 6:30 to screaming. And it wasn't me this time. I changed into the clothes I was wearing yesterday and braided my brown hair down the side. I opened the door and leaned my head out. Another blood chilling scream. I crept down the hallway until I reached the room I thought the screaming was coming from. The door was slightly open but I couldn't see much. I caught I glimpse of a bed surrounded by chairs but I couldn't see who was there. I contemplated whether to go in or to just leave the door alone. Eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I pushed the door open a bit more. I caught a small glimpse of someone writhing on the bed. They appeared to be a sickly green color and they let out a scream every so often. I was horrified and I was about to run but Newt and Alby jumped out of there seats to see who had opened the door. I took a step back. Newt walked out of the room and I didn't have anywhere to go. I just stood and faced him. 

"What was that?" I asked.

He stayed silent.

"What are you doing to him?" I raised my voice a little at that.

"Katniss! Calm down!" Newt said as I shook his shoulder. 

"Tell me what is really going on." I don't know why but I started to cry. I backed away and slumped against the back wall. 

"Whoa Katniss!" Newt kneeled next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, why don't we go talk about this in your room?"

We walked back to my room and sat down on the bed. 

"I don't know. I really don't know. I think I had a flashback."

"You can tell me, don't worry, I'm here." 

"When I saw that, thing, that was going on in there I had a flashback to something that happened in my past. A word- I can't quite think of what but it reminded e of something." The tears started to slow as a talked.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Tell me. Please where are we?"

"Alright. So we live in the Glade. As I told you before, but those doors that close every afternoon and open every morning, those lead into the maze."


"Yes Maze. We send out scouts, called runners who look for ways out. I've been here two years and we have never found a way out."

"How is that possible?"

"Well, the Maze changes every night. There are also these monsters, called Grievers. They can sting you, and what you just saw in that room, that was a victim."

"Do you die if you are stung?"

"No, the creators, the same ones who send supplies also send a serum to heal you. But you must endure the changing, and you are never the same after that."

We were both silent for a long time. 

"The current victim is a poor shank named Ben. Horrible thing the changing is. And if your stuck in the Maze over night?" Newt sighed. "Your probably not going to make it out."

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