Thorin Imagine

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You were standing on the balcony of yours and Thorins chamber, looking at the magnificent stars. Remembering how you and Thorin had met.

You were a naive little hobbit and wanted nothing more then to go out and explore the world. So ofcourse you were always up to "nasty doings" as your aunt used to say.

One evening when you were out and exploring as usual, you saw 13 horses standing outside Bag end. You were shocked to see this as Mr. Baggins weren't too fond of company and especially not this many.

You decided that you would investigate this matter further by eavesdropping by the window where the company seemed to sit.

You were as quiet as a mouse when you tip-toed towards the dining window and when you got there, you hunched down so they wouldn't see you.

Although they probably wouldn't see you anyway cause of the turmoil they were causing.

But precausions had to be made.

When you slowly lifted your head so you could just see them you saw that they were 13 loud dwarves sitting round a table arguing about something. All the while they were bickering, you could see Bilbo standing behind a black haired dwarf, curiously gazing at a piece of paper.

Speaking of that black haired dwarf, by the blessing of everything handsome he was a fine piece of sexy! (HAHAHA) Although he seemed like the quiet, grumbling type. What you hadn't realised was that you had subconsiously stood up and was now in clear view for them.

And almost as if he was feeling your gaze upon him, he turned his eyes towards you.

You widened your eyes and yelped while ducking out of sight. Instantly you plucked some random flowers and used them to shield as if they would cover you.

The window opened and you refused to turn your head towards them, your pride wouldn't accept that you were busted.

Suddenly Bilbo's voice broke through the silence.

"y/n?" He asked.

You were lost for words a moment but after you realised that you couldn't quietly crawl away, you spoke up.

"Uhm....No?" You answered cause there was no way you were going to let them know it was you.

Bilbo sighed loudly and starting squirming in discomfort.

"I'm pretty sure that It's you, y/n. Why are you outside my window?" He sounded tired but you were sure you could hear a undertone of amusement.

You gave up and stood up, throwing away the useless flowers. You took a second to take in the apparence of the company. All of them looked amused and curious even the grumbling hottie on two legs.

"Erm well, I noticed the horses and I thought something exciting was happening here. And by the looks of it I was right. And I would like to be a part of whatever you are doing." you stated confidently ignoring the fact that you have just humilated yourself.

That was all you needed to say before you were swept of into the biggest adventure of your life.

And at the same time a strong, unconditional love grew between you and Thorin.

And now here you were, in Erebor looking at the stars feeling completely content.

Your thoughts were interrupted by an angelic voice.

"My love(I'm not even going to try to write in dwarvish) what are you doing here in the cold?" He sounded at ease which was rare for him, being the king and all.

"Thinking about how we met." you turned your head towards him with a warm smile.

He responded to the smile and came towards you to embrace you from behind, with his hands resting at your growing stomach.

"That is my favorite memory." He whispered.

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