Bilbo imagine

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This imagine is for @TheBilboBaggins who requested an imagine; telling Bilbo you're pregnant.

Thank you so much for the love on the Legolas imagine, look forward to more angst in the future ;)

Enjoy! Xx


You had fought countless amounts of orcs, wargs, goblins, you name it. Your short body had earned It's scars throughout your journeys. Especially in the journey to reclaim the lost kingdom of Erebor, where you met your other half, Bilbo. He was everything that you needed. Smart, brave, loyal a bit timid but absolutely perfect in your eyes. Love and battles was always a scary thing, but never in your entire life had you been so scared as you were, when you found out the groundbreaking news.

You were pregnant.

Now, you knew that Bilbo adored children and that he would be a perfect father. But he never said that he actually wanted kids, and that frightened you. What if he would get dissapointed and leave you behind... No, you knew that he would never o that. He had showed you in more than one way that he loved you just as much as you loved him.

But you were still nervous as you walked towards the room he was sitting in, writing his book about our Erebor journey. You knocked quietly on the doorframe as you peeked inside. He stopped his writing, put the feather in the ink pot and turned around.

"Rosan! Could I help you, my love?" He asked sweetly.

You felt your hands tremble as you stepped towards him. He noticed your nervous state and furrowed his brows in confusement. He was clearly wondering what in the world had made you this unsettled.

"I-I need to tell you something." You stuttered and wiped your sweaty palms on your dirty - from gardening - gown.

He motioned towards the chair next to him, and you obliged by sitting down. Suddenly all felt so real, you were actually having a child, with Bilbo. Your breathing turned into small gasps and your knee started to bob up and down.

He lifted himself off the chair and hurried over to hunch down beside you.

"My dear Rosan, what in heavens is the matter?"

He stroked your cheek and that was when you knew. He wouldn't leave you, he loved you. You were going to raise this child together, as a family. You smiled at him with all the love you could show through a smile.

"I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened in shock for a moment, and then his whole face lit up in pure joy. He stood up before taking a hold of your waist, lifting you up from the chair, swinging you around in a circle as you laughed. He put you down and gave you a blinding smile.

"Oh, I am so happy for those news, my love!" He exclaimed.

He gave you a soft kiss on your brow before locking you in a strong embrace. You smiled to yourself as you felt more happy than you had ever felt in your entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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