Chapter 6: Normality (ish)

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The note had a little photograph of you and chan. From your early relationship days, all the good memories of you both came flooding back, you were so happy with him. He made you feel so special and valued. There were words written beneath the photo. Which said. "Everything he did was for your happiness, don't throw it away".
"It's right, he died for my life, he died so i would be able to continue. And all I've done is sit in this trash hole, being the complete opposite"

You fold the note back up and put it down, you reach into the bag, to pull out the box. You open it. It was a little bracelet. A little chain bracelet. It was Chan's, you recall him wearing it once or didn't hesitate to put it on. It looked quite big on your little wrists but you loved it. It was perfect.

You head up to your bedroom to clean up. As you were showering you though over and over about everything. First you may have seen chan...You needed to clear this up with yourself. It could of been someone who just looked a little like him. Yes that's it! It probably was.
"I've seen that in so many movies"
Your next thought was about Samuel and his threat. If he got hold of you...what would he do?
"Han said they would help me, they've helped me before I must trust them"
Now your next thought was about the note, it was right.
"Chan died for me...I won't let it be all for nothing. I have to get back on track. I have to be happy, for him"
After your shower, you got into some comfy pjs and headed to bed. You were tired, you needed to sleep. You set your alarm for 8 am, you wanted to do something tomorrow, so an early start would be good.

You fell asleep quick, you were completely exhausted.

Your alarm went off. You opened your eyes, it was bright outside. You reach over to your phone and turn off the alarm, you get up pretty quickly and head to the bathroom.

After washing up and doing your make up. You pick out a cute little yellow dress and put it on. You get a white bag to match. You smiled at how bright and positive your outfit was.
"Chan...this is for you"

You head downstairs, a grab an orange from the fruit-basket and eat it slowly whilst staring out of the window, watching cars drive past.
"What should I do first?"
You put your peelings in the bin and head out.

It was another warm and sunny day, it made you smile a little more. You felt warm inside...You walk about 30 minutes to the shopping centre. You decided you wanted to get some Boba Tea and then do some shopping.

You went into a few shops buying a few nice items that you saw. You walked down the street food section. You thought it would be a good idea to treat the guys to something. You went around multiple different stalls, buying meat, treats, drinks and little cakes. Once you thought you had brought enough, you headed out and took out your phone to call Seungmin. You moved to the side of the side walk.
??: "Ouch, you b*tch"
Y/N: "I'm so sorry"
??: "As you should be"
Y/N: "Hang on- your the one that bumped into me?"
??: "No, you shouldn't be stood there"
Y/N: "At the side...when There is loads of space there?"
You said pointed to the path space next to you
??: "Maybe you shouldn't of stopped there"
Y/N: "Maybe you should if just been watching where you were walking?"
??: "watch your mouth you little sh-"
A male voice is shouting at this random guy infront of you. The guy looks to the other guy.
??: "What are you gonna do, huh?!"
The random guys walks to the mysterious hooded dude and gets punched and then dragged away out of your sight.
You stand stunned...questioning What just happened. It was quite odd...

You shake off the incident and call Seungmin.
~Phone call~
Seungmin: "Hey Y/N, you okay?"
Y/N: "Are you and the guys free right now?"
Seungmin: "Yeah, why?"
Y/N: "Awesome can you meet me At ****** park?"
Seungmin: "Yeah of course but why? Are you okay?"
Y/N:" Yes I'm fine! Hurry over"
~End of call"

You start heading to the park to set up the little treat for the guys.
"I really hope they like it" you thought

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