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《Okay. I'm bored so I'm going to continue. Also, I'm done writing the like last paragraph on the next chapter bc it just gets hard and annoying so I'm going to stop doing it. Sorry if it helped it just makes me have to go back and forth and back and forth, so again, I'm sorry. And I've been dealing with some stress lately so I may not upload a lot anymore😞 Also, I'm gonna stop making Toby twitch and all bc I don't have Tourette's therefor I don't know how they work? So, it'll just be small mood swings and stutters. Hope y'all understand😃》

☆Uknown's PoV☆

Why the hell did Tobes freeze up like that? And why are they in his room together?! I should be the first 'Pasta to see his room!! Not that freak! Dammit!! Toby will be mine, one way or another..

☆Masky's PoV☆

What just happened..?  Rodgers never let's people in there. Ever. So what the fuck is different with Jackie? Well.. Rodgers has changed from last year. I mean, last year everyone but Zalgo and Offender was allowed in there. Now no one's allowed in there. Wonder why. It's quite worrying, really. He went from inviting other Pasta's to sleepovers in his room to talking through the door so no one can see what's in there.. I'm really worried..

                              ^With EJ & Toby^                            

☆Third person☆

Jack and Toby just sat there for a good 30-40 seconds. Just in silence and really just enjoying each other's presence. Jack broke the silence.

"So- uh. Why'd you start closing yourself off from everyone? If you don't mind me asking."

"O-oh. Uh, it's because I was losing my sanity. Y-you see, B-Before the last year I still had a little bit of m-my sanity. And when I-I started losing the en-entirety of it, I closed off the world s-so I didn't hurt anyone. I-I still went out and a-all but it was through the window. I-I did tell Slender s-sometimes but not al-always." 《Damn thats long-》  Toby explained.

"Ooh. Okay. So, how do you still manage to like, stay "calm" and happy all of the time?" Jack quoted.

"I.. actually h-have no idea. I-It's probably I used to do it a-all of the time." Toby replied.

"Oh. Okay. Soo. What do you wanna do?-" Jack asked awkwardly

"Idk. Y-you're the one w-who dragged me up h-here" Toby shrugged

"Rightt.. Why'd you almost kill Jeff?" Jack asked

"Bc he w- was getting on m- my nerves. And I just did w- what everyone w- wanted to do" Toby answered honestly.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Jack said.




No speaking, nothing. Just the faint sounds of heartbeats and breathing. Nothing else other then that.

That is...

Until Toby's voices started up again

He doesn't want to be here with you
He hates your guts
If he had the chasms I bet he'd eat your kidneys
No one loves you


Jack broke Toby out of his trance《i litteraly have no idea what to call it😃🔫 please feel free to tell me in the comments》

"Huh!! O-oh, right. Sorry about t- that" Toby apologized

"Is fine, just what happened?" Jack asked, turning on the bed to face Toby.

"I w- was just thinking.. D- don't worry.." Toby lied.

"You sure?" Jack knew he was lying, but he didn't want to be too rude about it. And if Toby felt that he couldn't trust him yet, he respected that.

"Y- yeah. " Toby said.

"Okay.." Jack said before standing up. "Also, " Toby looked up. "If you need medications, come over to me, okay?"

"..'Kay.." Toby hesitantly said.

And with that, Jack left.

637 Words

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