The Food Delay

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It was 9:30am on a Tuesday. Everyone was preparing for the day, all but Mr.Piraguero, whose piragua cart had a broken wheel. Of course this news upsetted the children, but not Mr.Softee, who was Mr.Piraguero's rival in business. They'd been fighting for years over whose business was better. "Having a little trouble with your cart wheel?" Said the teasing voice that Mr.Piraguero wished he didn't have to hear. "Everything is just fine, Softee." he scoffed. He really despised Mr.Softee just because his business did better than his that summer. "Your cart wheel is broken, idiot!" Mr.Softee mocked as he walked back to his truck. Sometimes Mr.Softee pissed Mr.Piraguero off, but he had to live with it. The two men used to be best friends back then, but since their business rivalry, they both hated each other.

It'd been 2 hours since Mr.Piraguero had spoken to Mr.Softee, which was surprising since he really liked to tease him a lot. He pondered about why he wasn't mocking him like he usually did in the daytime. He decided to stroll to Usnavi's bodega to see if he had seen him. "Ah, if it isn't Mr.Piraguero! Haven't seen you in a while!" Usnavi greeted the older man with a smile. "I've come to search for Mr.Softee. I haven't seen him since a few hours ago." Mr.Piraguero notified him. "We'll keep a look out for him." Usnavi informed him. "So, where's Sonny?" Inquired Mr.Piraguero. "You know him. He's in the supply closet with his girlfriend Cathy making out. Don't tell him I told you though. This is the first time he's had a girlfriend and I don't wanna ruin it for him." Usnavi snickered after spilling the tea about Sonny. "His secret is safe with me!" Mr.Piraguero laughed. As he walked back out of the bodega, he began to wonder where Mr.Softee had gone.

Later that evening, he found Mr.Softee on a staircase with his head down. "What's the matter, Softee?" Mr.Piraguero teased. "My business is getting shut down permanently." he said with an upset tone. "You're finally getting what you deserve!" Mr.Piraguero bursted out laughing. "It's not funny, Pira." Mr.Softee turned away from the other male. "Hey, you could always sell piraguas.. it's not hard to do." Mr.Piraguero suggested. Before Mr.Softee could say anything, Sonny walked out of the bodega, face covered in kiss marks from his girlfriend Cathy. "So what're ya'll up to?" Sonny asked. "Mr.Softee got fired from his job so I'm offering him a job to sell piraguas with me." Mr.Piraguero said." Sonny walked up to Mr.Softee. "Hey man, I'm sorry about your job, but you could work at the bodega with me and Usnavi if you want." He said. "Eh, I think piraguas are easier to sell than anything in the bodega, thanks though." Mr.Softee told Sonny." "Whatever floats your boat my guy." Sonny said as he walked back into the bodega, greeting his girlfriend with a smile. "It's nearly sundown ya know. How about we get back to my place?" Mr.Piraguero suggested. "Sure.. that would be nice." Mr.Softee said.


~𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒑 𝑨𝒕 𝑨 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆~ (Mr.Piraguero x Mr.Softee //In The Heights)Where stories live. Discover now