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Alena sat in her room looking at her old diary. She was trying to see what she wanted to be when she was little and stopped as she saw she wanted to be a teacher. She smiled as she remembered why because she wanted to teach children, to help them learn, and to make sure their safe. Alena smiled as she looked up. "Maybe I should look into that again."

"Alena!" She heard Emily.

"She is not here." Alena said as she walked to her window. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"Let's go."

Alena rolled her eyes as she walked out of her room and she knew she needed to speak to Stefan today. Elena watched her sister leave and rolled her eyes as she knew that Stefan would be speaking to her sister and not her.
When the two friends alive, they saw Caroline and Matt. "Called it." The two said as they walked together.

"Have you given much thought about what you are going to say to Stefan?"

Alena nodded as she wanted to suggest something that she thinks will help her know Stefan better. "I did." She says. "He isn't leaving because of me. Elena won't talk to me, but that's not my fault."

"No it's not." She said as the two walked away. "You know, I thought about what I wanted and knowing there is a supernatural world, I think we should open a school."


"Yes." She says. "It will help those who are actually supernatural. At least I thought it was a good thought."

"Write that thought down and then later, we can see what the two of us can think of."

Alena smiled as they looked at Caroline and Matt before walking away. Maybe everything will be fine. She walked away with Emily not seeing Elena watching them. "Elena, just stop. You are ruining your relationship with your sister and there is someone that will love you. Just let Alena be happy." Bonnie says. "She is, after all, taking her time with him. She's not in no hurry to date. Alena wants to know Stefan as a person not as some hot guy like you did."

Elena sighed as she didn't know what to say and had to see what everyone else sees between her twin and Stefan.
Alena walked out of the school to see Stefan. "Hey." She said as she walked over to him. "What's up."

"There is a new vampire in town." He tells her.

"Do we know who it is?" Alena asked. "Because we have to kill them if they are a danger."

"I don't know who it is, but Damon is on the search for the new vampire."

Alena nodded as she sighed. "Can we talk to night?" She asked. "I have something I have to talk to you about."

That night, Alena walked into the school to look around and smiled as she saw everyone looking around. She walked over to some of the tables to collect pamphlets and smiled. Stefan saw Alena and walked over to her. "Hey." She looked and smiled.

"Hey." She replies. "Have you figured out who..."


Alena nodded as she saw Logan. She looked at Stefan who nodded as he went to get Logan away from her aunt. Alena continued to look around before she decided to look for Emily just to get knocked out as soon she walked out the door.

Stefan looked around the school looking for Alena just to see she has disappeared. "Elena, where's Alena?"

"I don't know." Elena said. "Stefan, I...."

"I just want us to be friends."

"Logan took Alena home."

Stefan knew that was a lie. Alena drove herself to the school. Elena sighed as she watched Stefan leave to save her sister. She knew right there that Stefan has feelings for Alena.
Alena groaned as she woke up to see she was in Stefan's room. "Stefan?" She said as he walked out of the bathroom. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He says as he sat down. "Was there something you wanted to talk about."

"I know that we are getting to know one another, but we can't deny the attraction we have for one another." She tells him. "What if we have a friends with benefits kind of thing. That way we can still get to know one another as we try to figure out where things go from here."

Stefan thought about the deal. Alena waited till he kissed her. She guessed that he like the deal. Feeling her shirt being raised caused her to smile.

Elena arrived to talk to Stefan. She saw her sister's car and wondered why it was here. Elena got out and over to the door.

Upstairs Alena and Stefan was moaning as they were enjoying their intense moment. Elena opened the door to see Stefan and Alena having sex. She ran away shocked that she saw that. Hearing Alena moaning Stefan's name as he says her. Elena bumped into something and saw a book with a picture of Katherine from 1864. Elena couldn't believe that her and Alena look like Katherine. That made her leave to.

Alena and Stefan collapsed just as they heard a door slam. "Who?'

Stefan grabbed his pants and put them on as he walked to the window to see Elena leaving. "She knows." Stefan says. "Need something to drink."

"Sure, but are you thirsty?"

"I'm fine." He says kissing her as he left.

Alena smiled as she grabbed his shirt and put it on. She started to make her way downstairs when she saw Katherine's picture. "Stefan, Elena knows about Katherine."

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