part 5

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                       Slythies 🙏

dray 😐: wtf is going on??

pans👍: blaise plz tell me ur joking what

blazer🤓: listen it was a one time thing. besides it's not like we're friends with them so why do you guys care??

dray😐: i don't. just fucked up that's all.

pans👍: well i do?? listen i hate the gryffindorks as much as you guys do but luna told me potters crying his eyes out just say sorry to him.

blazer🤓: why tf u have looneys number

dray😐: why tf is potter crying

pans👍: Ugh don't call her looney and me and her started talking randomly it's nothing really, also draco maybe he's crying bc he got cheated on?? common sense dumb fuck.

blazer🤓: i'm not apologizing to potter.

dray😐: bro just do it this whole thing is dramatic

pans👍: wtf?? are u guys heartless?

blazer🤓: pans u seem to care a lot abt this ur acting sus. U friends with the goldens or what

pans👍: there you cracked it! I'm friends with them, you happy? now fucking say sorry.

dray😐: both of you are shitheads 😐

dray😐 has left the group chat.

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