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Emma's POV.

Another school, yay. Another chance for me to meet another school "bad boy" and beat his ever loving ass. I'm not gonna lie, I love going to a new school where people think they can push me around. Let me back up a bit:

Hey, I'm Emma Layton and I'm 15 years old. I'm what they call a tomboy. I've been to 7 different schools since we lived in my state of Arizona, USA.

I learned to fight when I was around 4 and I can knock a full-grown man on his ass. I'm very anti-social and I don't like talking to people. My mom says I should "get out there more" and "talk to other kids your age", but she doesn't understand that it's not 1936 anymore and kids are asswholes these days.

Today is my first day at a new school and hopefully no drama will come of it, but giving my record I'm sure there will be a lot of drama. Maybe not on the first day but later in the year most definitely.

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