Chapter 3

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Emma's POV.

Me and Jake walk to his house, well, my new house, and he asks me an obvious question "How do you ride a skateboard?" He looks at me and I say "You put one foot on the skateboard, and push with your other foot and when you get going you put the other foot on the skateboard."

I laughed a little and he looks at me. "I know that dummy." He says, chuckling. "How do you do tricks?" He asks. "Practice." I say flipping my skateboard up and walking the steps to his house. "Oh yea um- my sister is going to be here today." He says when I go to open the door.

"Ok." I say. I open the door and walk inside. I don't see Mrs.Lowskey anywhere but there is a note. I read the note and told Jake, "Your moms working extra today!" He yells back ok and a girl walks downstairs. "AHHHH!" She screams. "Jeez." I mutter covering my ears. "MURDERER'S!!"

"What?" I ask confused. "IM CALLING 911!" "Wait Lisa no!" Jake yells. "Oh hey Jake, there's a murderer in our house." She says calmly. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yell. "IM NOT A MURDERER, I LIVE HERE!" I scream. "Em calm down, don't kill my sister." I look at him and say "Not. Helping." "Who's she Jake?" Lisa asks.

"My friend." Jake says rubbing his temples. "Oh, sorry miss." Lisa says. I flip her off and walk upstairs, slamming Jake's bedroom door. "OI EASY ON MY DOOR!" I heard Jake yell. "FUCK OFF!" I scream at him.

The door opens and Lisa walks in. "Ugh" I groan. "I said I'm sorry! What more do you want!?" She yells at me. She gets right in my face and I say "take a step back or I'm gonna beat your ass." Calmly, for now.

Jake comes in and pulls Lisa away. "Lisa! She's not lying! She beat Lily's ass earlier." "Sounds like she's trouble." I barely heard Lisa mumble. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!?" I scream. Then I heard the front door open. "Kids!" I heard Mrs.Lowskey yell.

"Coming Mrs.Lowskey!" I yell and push Lisa out of my way. I jog downstairs and say "Yes Ma'am?" She looks at me and yells "Jake!" Jake walks down and says "Yea mom?"

She looks at both of us and asks "Will you two go get the rest of the groceries?" "Sure!" I say, running to the door. "C'mon Jake!" I yell. I seen Jake shake his head and run after me.

Lisa's POV.

"Hey mom." I say, walking down the stairs. "Hey sweetheart." She says smiling. "Who's that girl?" I ask. "Oh that's Emma." She says. "And?" I ask. "Why is she here?" I ask, confused. "She's Jake's friend, and her mom kicked her out." "Why?" I ask, trying to know more about this 'Emma'.

"I don't know sweetie, why don't you ask her?" She looks at me and smiles. "Um about that-" I start. "We didn't start so well." I say. "I thought she was a murderer and she got mad." My mom looks at me and ask "Did she slam the door?" "She slammed Jake's, but I don't know why she went in there." I say.

Emma's POV.

I run outside to get the rest of the groceries and Jake starts running after me. "Ahhhhh!" I scream running away. Jake starts chasing me and we run around the yard. He catches up with me and tackles me. I can't breathe because I'm laughing so hard and we fall over onto the ground.

I heard someone scoff and I looked up a little. I seen Lisa and I groaned. "Jake your sister who thinks I'm a murderer is looking at us." I say chuckling. He starts laughing more and falls beside me, because he was on top of me. "Are you two done?" Lisa asks.

Jake is still laughing so I answer trying not to burst out laughing. "I-it-" I laugh a little. "I-it- looks l-like your b-brother is g-gonna die of l-laughter." I say and burst out laughing. I hear her scoff again and she walks off.

Mrs.Lowskey comes outside and I hear a camera shoot. "Nooooooooooooo." I say. "Mooooooom!" Jake says, still slightly laughing. "I-its fine." I say and start laughing again. Once I finally stop laughing I get up and help Jake up.

I look over and I see Tyler riding his skateboard too Jake's house. I scowl and Jake looks at me then at Tyler. Once Tyler gets here. He walks up to me. Jake moves to in front of me and Tyler says "Move Jackass, I wanna talk to my sister." I growl and Jake moves." "I don't and never will want to talk to you so leave dumbass and leave us alone." I point to Mrs.Lowskey, Jake, and Lisa.

"Mom says you can come home." Tyler says smiling. "Fuck her and Fuck you, Im not coming home, I have an actual nice life here and people treat me kindly." I turn around and go to Mrs.Lowskey's car and start getting the groceries out. "but sis-" "DONT CALL ME THAT!" I yell, turning around.


Jake runs over and I fall on my knees. "LEAVE!" Jake growls. And he helps me up. Tyler gets back on his skateboard and rides to his house. I stand up and run inside. I can't let them see me cry. I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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