Chapter 3

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Snows pov

Andy Sixx is heading my way. Are you serious right now?! Oh gosh, oh gosh. Breathe Snow, breathe. He's just a human being. God, a sexy one. Oh no.

"Hi." He says with a smile. I just stand there.

Say something Snow!! "Uhhh. H-hi." I managed to stutter. Good enough.

"How are you?" He replies obviously noticing that I'm nervous.

"I'm good, and you?" Butterflies are attacking my stomach with every second that he stares at me,

"I'm terrific, I couldn't help but notice you in the crowd. You're certainly an outcast." He smirks looking at my bag.

"Not sure if that's a compliment or insult." He laughed his gorgeous laugh that happens to be highly contagious.

"Ok, ok you're funny, but yes that was a compliment."

"Well in that case, thanks. I try my best to 'stick out'." He just stared at me with a twinkle in those perfect blue eyes that I easily got lost in until he said,

"So, who you here with?"

"My sister and her friend, their names are Rainy and Andii."

"I love the name Andii."

"Well, I see that seeing how your nick name is Andy." I said laughing silently.

"What's your name?" He asks curious.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Snow," I put my hand out for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Snow."

"You too."

"I'm glad your parents let you guys come." I started blushing,

"Well, uh they didn't..."

"Then how are you here?"

I stared down at my feet, "I'd rather not talk about it.." I guess he noticed the tention.

"Oh I'm so sorry,"

"No don't be, we're alright." I quickly assured him.

"Do you guys need a place to stay," he hesitated, "you know, until you get back on your feet?"

I could see in his eyes he was hoping I'd say yes, so that's exactly what I did. I seen his eyes light up with happiness

"I'm going to tell the others the plan, they're probably hanging out with Dahvie and Jayy."

"Oh wait I'm going to come with you, to see their faces."

Andy Sixx pov

I walked up to this beautiful girl who looks almost 18, she's absolutely gorgeous. I could help but smile, "Hi." I manage to say.

She stutters a little, probably nervous, which makes me smile more. Soon we start a conversation, and I noticed her holding a bag. Weird..

"I'm glad your parents let you guys come." I could tell she was blushing, she told me they didn't. I saw a flash of pain cross her face as she looks down and tells me she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Oh I'm so sorry,"

"No don't be, we're alright." She tried to give me a reassuring smile, I saw past it to the pain in her eyes.

"Do you guys need a place to stay, you know until you get back on your feet?" I asked not trying to look desperate, but I think she saw it.

"Umm, yeah sure. That'd be cool. I'm going to tell the others the plan, they're probably hanging out with Dahvie and Jayy." 'I seriously think she's going to change my life..' I think to myself, finally realizing what she just said.

"Oh wait I'm going with you to see their faces." I said rubbing my hands together evily.

This is going to be great, I thought. They're totally going to freak. As we're walking I spot Dahvie and Jayy then I see a girl that looks a little like Snow, but shorter. I'm guessing that's Rainy and Andii. Andii looks over and her jaw drops I look over at Snow who's smiling really big, then Andii shoves Rainy and her jaw drops as well. "Hi." I say with a smile. They nearly pass out then Snow starts talking to them

"Guys, this is Andy, he's offering to let us stay with him until we can get on our feet."

Rainy looks at Snow then me then Snow again. "Really?!" She nearly screams, I look at Dahvie he's, confused as fuck and Jayy is holding a balloon obviously distracted by it.

Then Dahvie cuts in "Um, these two could stay with us." he shrugs, pointing at him and Jayy.

"This can't be happening..." I hear one of the girls whisper and it makes me smile. I just hope the guys will understand.

"Is it alright with you Snow?" I ask, sounding desperate yet again.

"I don't know," she bites her lip obviously thinking.

"Come on please???" The two little ones beg.

"Alright, alright I guess!" They both eek with joy.

Dahvies pov

We're finally done with everything, I had the girls go to the tour bus and pick out a bunk. Now the hard part is going to explain everything to Jayy. Right now we're packing up when Jeffree Star bumps into us.

"Heyyy!!" he says obviously high,

"Hey J what's up?" I reply.

"Just getting ready to head out, I see you guys are too."

"Yup, we are." Then I hear some one call Jeffree's name.

"Well I'm gotta go now, later bitches!!"

"Bye hoe!" I call over my shoulder as me and Jayy continue.

"That Jeffree I swear." Jayy says smiling. I think he might have a thing for Jeffree, I grin mischievously. Finally we finished so we're heading back to the bus. I'm nervous about Jayy finding out...

We walk in and there are Rainy and Andy sitting on the couch of the messy tour bus. Jayy's face is full of confusion and anger, he slowly turns towards me.


"Yes, Jayybear?" I ask all innocent like,

"A word please?"

"Hey girls could you go to your bunks for a second?" as soon as they're out of sight Jayy gets on to me.

"Why are they here??!!"

"They needed help." I say pouting "If you weren't so damn distracted by that balloon you would've heard me offer them to stay with us while their sister stays with BVB."

"Why didn't they just stay with her then?!"

"Because I thought I'd be fun! It'd be like I had a daughter and you and Jeffree had one!" Jayy instantly started going red.

"How'd you know about that??" He asked lowering his voice.

"Jayybear, it's easy to tell, you're always grabbing his ass and smiling at him. If only you'd break up with James.." He just stares at me. Knowing I've crossed the line i decides to keep my mouth shut. But that doesn't last long. After a while of silence I decide to break it. I clap my hands, "So! Which one do you pick??"

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