chapter 8

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one week later. tulisa ended it with kye as she didnt love him. she was still curious why fazer was so bothered about it though, does he still love her?

to fazer

wanna come round? x

to tulisa

yeah il be round soon xx

to fazer

ok x

an hour later fazer comes knocking on the door, tulisa goes and answers

Tulisa: shh, i just put the kids to bed

fazer: oh, then why'd you want me to come round if the kids are sleeping?

tulisa: we're mates are we not?

fazer: yeah course

tulisa: just to chill

fazer: oh right

tulisa: wanna watch a movie?

fazer: yeah *with a big smile on his face*

tulisa: fazer you muppet, move then

fazer kicks his shoes of and dumps himself down on the couch, tulisa goes and joins him. mid way thrugh the film tulisa starts talking to fazer

tulisa: faze?

fazer: yeah?

tulisa: why were you bothered when you found out i was dating kye?

fazer: i guess i just didnt like the fact you moved on

tulisa: we broke up you know

fazer: yeah? how come?

tulisa: i didnt love him

fazer: aww

tulisa: im starving

fazer: me too

tulisa: want pizza?

fazer: go on then

they order pizza and then get back to watching the movie. Later on they've had there pizza, tulisa moves closer to fazer and cuddles into his chest

fazer: T what you doing?

tulisa: hugging you *looking up at him smiling*

he smiles back at her and puts his arm round her waist pulling her closer.

an hour or so later...

fazer: T i better be going before it gets any later

tulisa: oh right *pulling back from him*

they both stand up and fazer goes to put his shoes on

tulisa: fazer?

fazer: yeah?

tulisa: why dont you stay here tonight?

fazer: you sure?

tulisa: yeah positive

fazer: where will i sleep?

tulisa: on the couch or

fazer: or?

tulisa: you can always sleep in my bed with me?

fazer: are you for real? *his face lights up*

tulisa walks over to him, puts her arms round his waist and pulls him into the room

fazer: are you sure you wanna do this?

tulisa: i love you, i always have

fazer: i love you too

use your imagination to think what happened next! ;)


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