〵제3장 : ...편안함 ― comfort

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❚ To Yang Jung Won :

↳ 비밀 메시지 3
( Secret Message Three )

One thing that I hardly hated when I was younger was going to school. To illustrate, stepping a foot forward in my classroom as a kid was like crossing a sky-scraping bridge. Every day from that time, I would sob annoyingly deafening. That awful behavior I had before had caused me to get too much attention from most of the students around the school. By that, my mental condition got even worse. I felt suffocated and prisoned by their harsh judgments and opinions. I was genuinely feeling lonely, but not for long, though. Wanna know why? Well, that is because you came into my life. You always embraced me in your tiny arms warmly and comforted me whenever tears would start to form in my eyes. "I'm here! Please don't cry," you'd always say.

❛ my feelings for u  ❜ ― jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now