Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
~The Letter~

SLAP. He had hit me again, screaming about me stealing his damn money. I never touched his money, not like he would believe me Eva said I did. He always believes her, she's his little princess anyway.
"WHERE IS MY FUCKING MONEY BITCH," my dad screames at me. I don't answer knowing he will be angry either way. He gets fed up with me and punches me causing me to stumble back. I stay quiet even though my stomach is in so much pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he wants. He yells at me to go to my room, I go in there locking the door so he can't get in.

I lift my shirt up in front of the cracked mirror, I got from Eva after she threw something at it breaking it. Bruises of green and purple litter my midsection, I don't even realize the tear that rolls down my face, until more are joining it. Why do I have to be such a fuck up? My parents remind me of that everyday, and always remind me that Eva is so perfect. My thoughts overcome me and I don't even realize that I have grabbed the razor blade that sits on my desk. One cut quickly turns into two and more until both of my wrists are dripping with a dark crimson liquid. I lay on my bed passing out, not caring to clean up the mess I have made.

Morning comes rather quickly, I wake up with my wrists hurting and my stomach growling. Damn I skipped dinner, not that my parents care they wouldn't have let me eat anyway after the 'argument' yesterday. I sat up and looked at my wrists, seeing all the dried blood sticking to them. I grab a long sleeved shirt and jeans slipping out of my bedroom quickly making my way to the bathroom down the hall, locking the door. I shower quickly and make my way down stairs to start breakfast for everyone before my dad wakes up at 8 for work. It is currently 7:45 according to the grandfather clock in the corner of the living room. I start the coffee, grabbing the bacon and eggs out of the fridge and I start cooking.

After everyone but me eats I start on the never ending list of chores my mother had given me starting with dishes. I make my way halfway through the list when there is a knock at the door, my mother tells me to answer the door for her. I open it to be greeted by a strangely dressed woman.
"Hello is Mrs. Adams home?" the lady aask.
"Ah, hello that is me, would you like to come in?" My mom offers, stepping to the side to let the women in. My mom leads her into the living room, before whispering into my ear to go get some tea for them. I go off returning with the tea sortly.
"Sorry for my daughter Alexa, she was just heading to her room," my mom shoots me a look to go upstairs.
"Actually, may I ask for her to stay? this concerns her," The woman says looking from me to my mom, making me very uncomfortable. I didn't do anything that could have upset this woman. I slowly sit down beside my mother, turning to the women. "My name is Professor McGonagall, I teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She takes a sip of the tea in front of her pulling out a letter from her outfit. "I am pleased to announce that your daughter Alexa is a witch and we would like for her to attend the school on September 1st." She handed me a letter which I opened with my mother peering over my shoulder.
Dear Ms. Adams, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
I stare at the letter in amazement. My mom looks shocked but turns to me.
"Finally, you can do something with your life," She whispers to me before turning to Professor McGonagall, " She would love to attend the school." My mom and McGonagall talk for a while explaining everything about the school and how it works. After a while she leaves, and my mom turns to me.

I smile weakly at her ready for almost anything. She smiles back which surprises me.
"Finally, you can go fuck up someone else's life, and we don't have to worry about you," she spits at me, "we will be going next week to get your shit for your school so you can be out of our hair, now get out of my face." I go to my room locking myself inside just staring at the letter for hours. I heard my dad get home and overhear my mom talking to him. They seem almost happy I am leaving, which kinda hurts. I go and lay down staring at my ceiling lost in my thoughts.

First Chapter 894 words. It is short but, I plan on making the others longer. I hope you all enjoy my story.

Mistake ~Draco X OCWhere stories live. Discover now