There was still blood on her hands.
She hadn't washed it off yet. It felt wrong, somehow, as though she was pretending he had never existed; never had a family; never lived a life. At least like this she could acknowledge what she had done. Besides, she had needed to get out of there. Fast. Washing was just a waste of time.
The streetlights glowed golden onto the puddles covering the road from that day's downpour. She skipped over them, enjoying this rare moment of freedom before she arrived home, despite the fact that she was covered in blood. In a way, it reminded her of her childhood in Hyesan, jumping over puddles on the way to school, singing one of those propaganda pieces. She had been starving, yes, but she had still been a child. Had still found ways to have fun.
All to soon she approached the entrance to the building which housed where they all lived together. That was, those of them that were left. After all, Mi Ra had been caught earlier that year by the Americans and was spending a life sentence in some prison in the middle of nowhere. She sighed, stepping through the doorway. Needless to say, the moment she entered their living quarters Ae Ra would be bounding up to her to tell her all about her night and how this oh so handsome man had treated her to dinner and she was head over heels in love with him. It was probably the 300th man she had declared herself in love with at this stage. Going out on the assignment had been almost a relief, if only for the escape of Ae Ra bounding around changing outfits and squealing and crying over absolutely everything. That is was one positive, she supposed, of Mi Ra being caught. She would have probably killed Ae Ra by now, deeming her 'insufferable'.
After having bounded up a few flights of stairs, she unlocked the door to their bedroom. Immediately she was confronted by Mi Ra's empty bed. They still hadn't cleared it, what with the Russians refusing to do so and their group's vague hope of Mi Ra finding her way home. If you could call this a home.
Yet she soon noticed the silence. The whole walk home, she had been bracing herself for Ae Ra's silly giggling. But now, there was nothing. Nothing but for a few sobs.
She glanced over to her left, to Jisoo's bed at the head of the room. Jisoo was cradling Chaeyoung in her arms, muttering soft words of comfort as tears trickled down her face too.
And Ae Ra was nowhere to be seen.
Jisoo looked up at her, causing Chaeyoung to look up too. Chaeyoung's face was red with crying, her eyes puffy.
'It's Ae Ra,' Jisoo said at last. 'She's gone. Dead.'

I know a lot of people do authors notes at the end of their things, so I thought it'd be quite nice to do so too. As I said in my disclaimer, this is my first wattpad story so I hope you like it. I'd be interested to see what you think of it so far along with the characters. Also, the story isn't entirely set in stone despite me having a moderate plan in my head so I'd appreciate your suggestions as well as questions, but I can't reveal much now as this is just a flashback that has been written with family constantly coming in my room.

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