Yn Black transformed to HOGWARTS Part 2

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Chapter 1 Part 2
[9¾ flat]
{After 3 days now your leaving to hogwarts were your dad the potters and uncle Remus is watching you and Harry go through the 9 ¾ wall to the train station you hugged your dad , the potters and Remus before going through the 9¾ flat and came to the station were Harry took you to a compartment were 2 girls and a boy sitting and when Harry knocked they smiled and opened it and let you in}
Harry :guys this is yn Yn Black and yn this is my friends
??:hi I am Hermione Granger
Yn :hi Hermione
??hello yn I am Ginny Weasley
Yn:hello Ginny
??: hello I am Ronald Weasley you can call me Ron
Yn:ooh thank you Ron
{And I sat next to Harry and after few minutes the train started }
And after 30 mins a lady with a trolly came and knocked the compartment door and asked anything of the trolly dears?
Harry :chocolate frogs
Ginny : flavor bean
Ron :pumpkin pasties
Hermione:jelly slugs
Trolly lady :3 gallens dears
Harry :ok{and he paid it}
{After 1 hour or 2 we reached Harry said while trying to wake you up and you open your eyes wide and take your luggages and then few men's help you guys keep your things in your vehicle (don't know which they used)and after 4 to 5 mins we reached hogwarts everyone except me  Professor McGonagall came to me and she took me to professor Dumbledore's office and she left me there alone.}
[Meanwhile at the great hall]

Professor Dumbledore:So everyone WELCOME to a another new year of HOGWARTS and this year we have 2 new Professor's going us and welcome Professor Remus Lupin and Rubeus Hagrid
Professor Remius Lupin will be handling - Defence against the DARK ARTS
And Rubeus Hagrid will be handling - Care of Magical Creatures.
Harry : *in mind*when I came to the great hall I saw uncle Remus sitting in near Professor Snape what is he our new Professor if yn know this she will be surprised I think this is the suprise he told to me and yn that day .
Professor Dumbledore:and we have a new student from Beauxbatons Academy to Hogwards please welcome Ms.Black.
Yn : can here what ever the headmaster is speaking did he said Professor Remus Lupin .....aah is my uncle our professor now and he is gonna teach us what Defence against the DARK ARTS aah is this for real and I heard the headmaster calling my name so I entered the great hall and I saw my Uncle sitting near a full black covered dressed man I smiled at him before going near the head master and said "hope we get well soon" he called the first year students to join the great hall Professor McGonagall then called me to sit in a stool were she held a dirt colored hat in her hand and told "the hat will be sorting me to the house".
And I went and sat in the stool and hat was placed in my head
Sorting hat:

Courage,Bravery,Determination,Valuing hard work,Loyalty,Learning,Wisdom,Cunning, Strong Leader

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Valuing hard work,Loyalty,Learning,
Cunning, Strong Leader.


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