Day 5 - Milk

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Ladybug landed at Chat Noir and her usual meeting spot. She had just gotten out of school and she really wanted to just hang out with Chat Noir and then go home and do her homework. She knew that Chat Noir always stuck to a schedule and was never late, so she decided to go searching for him. She flew on her yo-yo to all of the spots she knew he might be. The Eiffel Tower was her first spot to look. She then went from one tourist spot to the next, because even though they are Paris natives, they love the tourist spots. She stopped outside the Grande Paris Hotel, looking at the hotel trying to think of where else he could be. Then she gets an idea.

"I can call him. Why didn't I think of that, Ladybug? You just did, Ladybug!" Ladybug high-fived herself and dialed Chat Noir's number. He picked up immediately. "Chat! Where are you?!"

"I needed to make a stop." Chat said calmly and Ladybug furrowed her eyebrows when she heard people talking in the background. "I decided to get something to drink. No need to worry!"

"You went to go get a...a...drink?!" Ladybug cried and started to pace in front of the hotel. She stopped once she finally got her emotions together enough to talk. "Why would you think that it is okay to drink while Chat Noir? What if you're drunk and need to save the day!"

Chat Noir laughed and Ladybug got even angrier.

"M'lady!" Chat laughed again and Ladybug hoped he could feel her anger through his cat phone. "You actually think-? Come to the Grande Paris Hotels restaurant. That's where I am."

"Oh, I'm going to be there quicker than you think, kitty cat." Ladybug glanced down at the hotel and hung up on him. Ladybug landed outside the hotel, nodding to the guards that were at the front. "Let's see when this ally cat is up to."

Ladybug walked through the lobby, smiling at everyone until she saw Chloe cuddled up against her boyfriend. Ladybug didn't even know his name but what she did know was enough to make her think that he's crazy to date her. She then got into an elevator and rode it up to the restaurant. When she got off the elevator, she looked around to find where Chat Noir is. When she looked over at the bar, she found him. And he was laughing on and on, which could be a side effect of him being drunk.

"The nerve of the guy!" Ladybug walked closer and saw that he was talking to the bartender and was drinking a glass of milk. She sat down next to him and turned towards him, making her notice how his hair places against his head. Chat Noir turned towards her a second later.

"Hey, m'lady!" Chat picked up his milk glass and cheered it towards her, with a smirk when she was finally able his face clearly. Chat then pointed towards the bartender. "Jean here has a whole section of the fridge set aside just for me."

"I bet he does." Ladybug smiled a little and turned towards Jean. "Can I please have the same thing as him? Only if you know for sure that it won't be a life-changing alter to the milk supply."

"It better not be, and if so..." Chat drummed on the top of the bar for suspense. "You can still have some because you are so cute!"

"Oh, isn't that nice of you." Ladybug blushed and rolled her eyes, hoping Chat wouldn't see the blush. But he did. Jean brings over the milk that Ladybug wanted. "Thank you so much! I was also wondering if I could have some cookies?"

"Of course, Ladybug," Jean said and nodded his head in agreement. "That will bring the price up if you don't mind."

"Oh, I don't mind!" Ladybug smiled at him and turned back to Chat Noir. "When did this become a patrol normal?"

"Umm...when you were skipping a lot of patrols, I would come here and sit to get some company." Chat rubbed the back of his neck and turned innocently at Ladybug. "I missed you so I hoped that the little human presence would make me feel better about you not being here."

"Oh, kitty!" Ladybug hugged him around the neck. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Chat pulled away and smiled at her. "You're here now and the problem is solved."

"Mademoiselle? Here are your cookies." Jean put them down on the counter. "You two can pay right now or wait until later."

Both of them moved fast to get their money out. Ladybug was quicker and put 20 Euros more than needed. Chat's smile dropped when she put the money down on the counter and Jean's face brightened up when he saw the extra.

"Keep the extra." Ladybug put her wallet back into her yo-yo. "I bet you don't get paid nearly enough for the work you do as Chloe's butler."

"Thank you so much." Jean started playing with the cash register.

"Ladybug!" Chat turned abruptly towards Ladybug, who winked at him. He groans before talking. "How am I supposed to be a gentleman when we are on a date if you aren't going to let me pay?"

"First of all, we're definitely not on a date!" Ladybug cried and Chat rolled his eyes, making her even madder. "We're not and there is nothing you can say!"

Jean turned around again to wipe down the counter after another customer left the bar. He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Jean. We are on a date!" Chat smirked as he paused for suspense, again. "'And there's nothing you can say!'"

"Don't be mean!" Ladybug rolled her eyes, but smile despite herself. Chat raised his eyebrows and smirked yet again. "What?!"

"You smiled." Chat laughed a little when Ladybug realized that he saw her smile.

"I did not!" Ladybug crossed her arms and did a little pout. Chat Noir sweetly smiled and made sure to tell himself that he would do anything that she asked. "So, answer me this. Why here of all the places to go?"

"That's an interesting story..." Chat began to tell Ladybug the story of how he decided to come to this bar instead of all of the other ones in the city.

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