Hey guyss so there might be some triggering things up ahead in this story possibly. Ya know, cuz it's a yandere thing. Also nothing in this story should be a thing that happens in real life or supported to make that clear.

Y/N's Pov

I was the band's song writer for years now. Occasionally Murdoc or the others worked well with making the albums on their own, but wanted my help sometimes.

I was just a kid at the time the band had formed, I used to visit Stuart at his job to show off songs I had created when I was only around 10 years old.

2D was like a big brother to me, always telling me to keep writing songs, and letting me read them to him.

I thought I wouldn't ever see Stuart again, but after about a month he returned but his eyes were pitch black.

I was scared until he explained that it was because of the crash, and that he was joining a band.

Eventually that's how I met Murdoc and Russel, Murdoc said my songs were rubbish yet asked 2D to bring me along to Kong Studios more often to hang out. He saw that I had some potential.

Then there was how I gained my second best friend, Noodle. We became friends quickly since we were the same age at the time, even if I couldn't understand what she was saying yet.

Both of us grew up together, even if I couldn't live with the rest of the band or go on tour because I still had a family of my own aside from Gorillaz.

I still managed to be apart of the band after every incident and traumatic event. And now we were all fully adults, still working together.

The only problem now that we were facing is Murdoc's arrest.

It happened after finishing up the Humanz album making us panic on what to do now that the band's leader was gone.


"This isn't working! You guys know I'm terrible with playing instruments!" I yelled out as I struggled to hold Murdoc's bass, afraid I might break it.

"Well it's either this or nothing Y/n! We've been getting nowhere with our interviews for a new bassist." Noodle replied as she looked over the music notes on how to play.

I was strummed the bass again only to make an uneasy sound. Russel and 2D starred at me with pity. "Oh piss off! The same thing happened when I tried to learn guitar after Paula."

"Why can't we just bail Mudz out?" I asked, making Noodle hit my shoulder.

"He can sit there for all I care. That's why I cancelled his credit cards, it'll teach him a lesson." She exclaimed, before getting off her bed where she was sitting next to me before.

"This is just temporary til' Murdoc comes back or we find someone to replace him." Stuart told me as he turned to look through emails for anything new.

"Huh..this guy looks like Murdoc." Russel pointed out, who was also looking at Noodle's laptop catching everyone's attention.

"Who?" I asked, setting down Murdoc's bass and heading over to look at the computer. Seeing a picture of a slightly younger looking man.

He was green just like Murdoc, but with longer hair and a pointier nose. His picture was him against a graffiti painting wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Ace D. Copular..says he'd a friend of Murdoc." 2D said, reading more of the details of the lookalike.

"Hey! Food's here guys, I put it on the kitchen table." Noodle announced coming back in the room, with us not realizing she had left.

"Hey Noodz, come look at this! There's a guy wanting to be our new bassist, he looks like Murdoc." I called her over excited.

"Ace Copular? Namae wa onajimi no yōdesu..." She muttered that last part in Japanese, knowing I didn't understand.

"I don't know about this, man. I mean if he knows Murdoc then there can't be something good 'bout him." Russel spoke up, thinking about the situation.

"We're giving him at least one chance for now. See if he's actually good." 2D said, before closing the laptop.

Without Murdoc, 2D was now the one in charge of us and could make the decisions now. Only that he was starting to change his way of how he acted.

"Let's go have lunch for now, I'll pick a time for that Ace guy to come over" 2D started to make him way out of the room with the others following behind.

I didn't leave the room just yet. I thought for a moment, starring at Noodle's laptop.

I didn't like the thought of trusting Murdoc's friend. There was something off, but to be fair it was my fault for not wanting to try learning bass. Instruments just weren't my thing.

"Y/n, hurry up!" Noodle called from the stairs, making me quickly snap out of my thoughts and head out of the room.


Ace's POV

"HEY, ONE OF YOU BOYS BETTA GET MY PHONE!" I yelled out after hearing it ring from the kitchen counter.

I dried off my hair as much as I could, not enjoying it being wet right now. Looking in the mirror to comb it while it was still damp.

Lil Arturo suddenly appeared in the door. "Aye Boss, it's that guy Murdoc on the phone!" He said.

I immediately snatched the phone out of his hand. "What'd I say 'bout answering calls for me?!" I raised my voice, making him quickly run off.

I stormed off to my room to have some privacy before responding. "Heyyy Murdoc, hows you been?!" Immediately changing the tone in my voice to sound more nice.

"Ace, I need your help! I don't have much time to talk." Murdoc replied, sounding frantic.

"Did you end up in Townsville's jail again? Man I really like to help you out but this is getting old- NO, IT'S NOT THAT! Well yes I'm in prison, but I don't need you for that. I'm in the UK." He said, cutting off my last sentence.

I sighed annoyed, sitting down in the bean bag chair on the floor. "Alright who am I going after this time." I asked starting at the ceiling.

"No, you know my chart topping band? Gorillaz? You probably heard about it before" Murdoc started rambling and bragging.

"Yea Yea Mudz, I heard it all before. What's with it?" I asked again, getting more impatient.

"I need you to be me, be my replacement for now until I get out of this sack of shit!" He explained, making my eyes widen.

"Woah woah wait. You want me, to fly all the way over there, JUST TO PLAY FOR YOU?!" I yelled into the phone, not wanting to waste my time.

"NO NO! But I need you to go to Detroit. That's where the others are staying at the moment, just don't let'em take anybody else." He answered frantic.

"Aw fuck man.. this is too much! I'm not going for some shit like this." I responded, close to hanging up.

"Ace, listen.. you learned to play because of me, you're amazing. And now this is your chance to shine! Your Murdoc Niccals now, go make it known." Older man's words already got through to me now.

"Fine, I'll do it." Was all I could say back. What could I say? The man inspires me, and I appreciate that short old bastard.

"Great! The band is staying at 220 Hendrie Street, or just look up whatever you can to reach out to them." Murdoc said before hearing him start struggling with the phone.

"WAIT I'M NOT D- FUCK OFF-" He yelled from the other line. Makeup me assuming he was fighting with a guard who told him his time was up.

"ACE WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR THEM OR BE RUDE! I REALLY NEED YOU FOR THIS-" Was the last bit I heard before the phone call ended.

I got up and walked over to the door again, hearing faint whispers on the other side.

"Oh Fellas, I gots some news!" I called out right before opening the door to see the boys immediately fall on top of eachother, infront of me.

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