A Royal Pain

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"You are an idiot!" I shout, setting down my glass.

         I turn to face Jonathan as he sits across the table from me. His green eyes are narrowed at me in anger, and a vein has appeared on his forehead. We have been going at it for hours, and the tension has reached a boiling point. He insists upon making me crown him governor, which would mean he would basically be at equal ruling power as me. He has been a pest my whole life. Recently, he has been intolerable and all because mother and father skipped him in line so that I can rule. They already told him that he is unfit for the throne. He would be a tyrant; he has always been power-hungry and disrespectful. Putting a military behind him would be the greatest mistake in our countries history. Suddenly, a jug of water is dropped into my lap, and in seconds my trousers are sopping wet. My eyes flare up at the cowering boy before me, his eyes wide with fear. He puts his hands up in defense. His mouth opens to say something, but I am quicker.

"You clumsy little fool!" I snarled through gritted teeth. 

        He grabs a towel from a table and quickly makes his way back over to me. He bends down to clean the mess. Jonathan laughs from across the table and sips his own glass.

"I am... I am so sorry, your highness... I really should have-" I interrupt his ramblings by grabbing a fist full of his hair. I twist my wrist, pulling him closer to my face. He whimpers in pain, and I smile at his distress. His eyes are squeezed shut, and his lips quiver. 

"Do not forget how expendable you are," I speak softly, keeping my tone calm. "I can have another you in a second."

I let go of his hair and shove him backward. He stumbles a few steps back and hangs his head down. He was supposed to be a knight; however, he is young and unfit for battle. They decided the best thing for him is to be my "guard." However, I do not think I need protection. Now he does whatever I ask of him and serves me when I need him. Obviously, he's not too good at it. If I wanted him replaced, I would have done it already. He is just lucky he is something to look at. My eyes follow his body's. He has a very delicate frame, almost fragile. I can hardly imagine him in battle.  I pull my eyes away from his body and snap my head back around to Jonathan.

"My answer is no. Good day, brother."

I stand quickly and exit the room. I can hear Jonathan scream something at me, but I continue walking. He can go fuck himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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