New job(so original)

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Quackity's POV(also original)

I groan . The buzzing of my alarm clock enveloping my head.
"All right ,all right shut up ."i say to my alarm clock. I shut it off and push the covers off me and swing my legs over my bed. I stretch my arms and slide into my slippers . I heave myself out of bed and yawn . I use the bathroom (who dosent ) and head to my kitchen. I put a pot of coffee to brew and look out of the window in my small flat . I need a job i absenly mindedly mutter. I've been saying that for weeks. My coffee finishes and i drink it while still looking out the window . Its still dark outside even though its 8 am. I put my mug in my sink and go back to the bathroom. I shower and in a towel head to my room again .

I put on my usual clothes , my beanie a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. And walk to my door i grab my keys and leave my flat locking the door behind me.

I walk around town bundled up in my coat and look at all availble hires. That ones to underpaying.Im not qualifyed for that one. Ah-hah perfect.

20 minutes later and im infront of a tall building with a half broken light up sign that says Shlatt-CO. I walk through the big fancy automatic doors and go to reception .

"Hello I'd like to work here."I say smiling
"Yes right this way" and the receptionist led me to a room to the side and offered me a seat , i sit and i start going through my résumé .
"Are you sure you want that position ?" came her worried voice
"yes" i ask confused
"If you insist." She leeds me to the elevator and we go up to the highest floor. The doors open and im greeted by a fancy office room .
"Shlatt the new recutie is here"
"Exellent , thank you Julie " came his Athoritive voice "you can go "
she leaves and we are alone.
"Why do you want to work for this company?" he asked me
"Would you like the truth or.." my voice trailes off
"yes, if you will"
"I need the money"
"Honest i like it, Your hired"
"Wait really?"
" yes now go back to the receptionist and you can recieve details of your shift times and your uniform and any other querys"
I leave and go to the bottom floor
"How'd it go ?" Julie asked me
"I got the job "
oh thats great heres you shift time..."

Shlatts POV

Hes got spark thats for sure , I think he'll make a great assistant . I remember his face and my heart leaps.

Quackity's POV

I acually got the job . I mean it worked so. I watch a movie to celebrate but i dont really focous on it I just keep remembering his face .

I finally go to sleep its 3 am and ive got work tomorow at 9.

I open my eyes and glance at my alarm clock its 7:30 . I half shrug and get out of bed and rub my eyes . I get undressed and have a shower.  I get dressed in my best suit and beanie and its already 8:45 no time for coffee today. I leave locking my door behind me and i walk to work.

I get to the front desk and say hi to Julie and go straight up to the bosses office .

Shlatts POV

Qyackity should be here soon i hope hes not late that would be bad on his first day i half chuckle and DING..

Quackitys POV

"Good morning sir"i greet my new boss
"Morning"he repies
"whats my first task?"
"Make me a coffee , please"
"Yes sir"
"Theres the nessasary equipment behind you "
I turn around and start to make his coffee
"How would you like is sir?"
"I'll take it black "
I dont add milk and hand it to him .
"Carefull its hot"
he nods his head in apreciation
"What would you like for me to do now sir?" I feel myself blushing for no reason
"Go get some aplications from Julie , You can sit in this desk " he indicates the one to his far right "And go through them "
I nod and turn for the elevator .
"I grab the papers from Julie and engage a small conversation
"So hows your date going "she gloated.
"I blush hotly "No no no its not like that.."
She cuts me off "sure, boss hasent been this nice to anyone ever" she continues"Some one has a little crush on you " i Shake my head aggresively and turn away and head back to the elevator .

Shlatts POV
He sure knows how to make coffee , and he's hardworking . A small voice in my head goes and really cute , i shake my head ok thats true he is cute but he's straight so stop, the voice goes you dont know that i blush and sit back in my desk.

This was kinda boring but itll get better soo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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