Chapter three:the first day

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Athena woke up in her low mood and in severe pain.she could tell that she needed some help she really did,its not normal for a girl in college to suddenly feel like a hollowed shell lacking any will.

and the pain? she had long gotten used to that since she combined 'cursed blood';a powerful mutant generation gift, 'muscular augmentation',another mutant gift that increases the density of the users muscles as they work out and 'biotic-advancement' a passive power that advances the body of it holder to a certain level.these powers were fused together to become 'tsudo-evolution' a passive mutant power that constantly worked for the betterment of the host body along with other things at the cost of immense pain and a lot of itching.

despite this pain she got out of bed and grabbed her personal hygene equipment before slowly making her way to the girls bathroom.once there she began her normal routine of brushing her teeth and showering before returning to her room and putting on her anti-itch cream.after all of this was complete she sat down on her bed and ate her chicken patty in silence. after finishing he food she went onto putting her uniform on.

Let it go on the record that Athena hated ties and formal clothes. 

ties in particular.

"ok how do i do this???" she said fiddling with the blue stretch of cloth she was trying to mimic those guys she saw at her job and after a few more tries it worked.the uniform consisted of black trousers and blazer with bright blue buttons,tie and lining, she wore he usual black shoes that she loved. she put on some bracelets and a small ring that she had bought from a pawn shop a while back just to add some flare to her look 'im a rebellious girl! bown ne ne nown!'

she looked at herself and would nod to herself while repeating 'you look great!' in her head in a vain attempt to get he mood up but low self esteem and depression said otherwise.she checked her bag to see if she had everything and looked at the small card that was attached to one of the had 'A-11 class' written on it in bright pink ink making it easily noticeable,seeing no other reason to stay in her room decorated with many Pre-meta era shonen merchandise, she put on her jacket and book bag and made her way to her classroom.


Erica really hated mornings,just as much as she hated Monday but thankfully she had some bojangles chicken biscuits and the silence of the hallways. 

she slowly walked to her classroom while thinking about the call she had gotten not an hour ago,it was from the infamous informant 'casino' who had a gift that allowed him to see the future,at least thats what they said.they mainly communicated to the hero's through burner phones and untrackible emails but refused to come forward in person out of fearof the public safety commission.

the call in question pertained to one of her students.

the memories cam back into her mind.

"hello the beautiful lady Erase" the highly modified voice spoke

"hello casino." she answered still half asleep "why are you calling me this early? i need some rest."

"im sorry to wake you up at this time but i need you to pass on a message to the Principal of L.H for me." the caller requested,this made Erica sit up and pay as close attention as her mind would allow her to.

"go on."

"now im not try to ruin this students career before it happens but i think she could be in danger or a danger soon"


"i dont know weather or not its her but im telling you this because i want L.H to keep an eye on her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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