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AFTER LUNCH WAS OVER THE REST OF THE DAY SEEMED TO GO BY IN A FLASH AND BEFORE YELENA KNEW IT SHE WAS BACK AT HOME GETTING READY. She had already gotten dressed and did makeup and hair. She was now sitting on the edge of her bed strapping on her last black open toe heel onto her foot. Just as she finished adjusting the strap around her ankle, her phone chimed from its place beside her. She picked up her phone staring down at it. 

It was a notification from Instagram. She usually had her Instagram notification offs because she got too many of them and they disturbed her a lot, but she had turned them back on today because she was tagged in photos from her friends. She assumed it was probably just another photo she was tagged in by Julien or Luna, but her assumption was wrong when she saw the person who tagged her.

(lenawindsor): @gossipgirl tagged you in a post.

Yelena had to blink twice to make sure she was reading this right. She almost let out a laugh at it, that's how much it caught her off guard. 

gossipgirl: Hello, followers. Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source for the truth behind the scandouls lies of New York's elite. Been a minute. Did you miss me? I know I've missed you. Though you're probably gonna wish I stayed away when I'm done. Because I can see you. Not the you you've not-so carefully curated. The real you. The one hiding just outside the edge of the frame. Well it's time to reframe that picture. You've gotten away with everything a little too long. Now that I'm back, I'm gonna feature your finstas, surface those subtweets, and crack your caches. You can't hide from me. Never could. And to prove it, there's a big secret, amongst the ruling class at Constance Billard. And as you soon would come to know, no good secret goes unpublished. Watch this space. Or don't. You'll here about it soon enough either way. Til then, XOXO, Gossip Girl.

Yelena let out a small chuckle as she finished reading the long caption. She was pretty sure she and everybody else knew that Gossip Girl had been long gone for over eight years. And if they didn't know that they must have been living underneath a rock. 

She found the post hilarious, cute, and stupid at the same. It was quite funny and stupid that someone made them an account and thought someone would actually believe this. It was a cute but foolish attempt though, someone wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame. To bad it wouldn't last long when people realized this was just a fake. 

But she wasn't about to waste her time on some nobody trying to make a name for themselves. Like she did in the first place to keep herself from seeing irrelevant posts like these, she turned off all her notifications and continued on getting ready, so she could leave. 


ONCE YELENA FELT SHE LOOKED GOOD ENOUGH TO LEAVE, SHE TOOK A LYFT TO DUMBO HALL. She was just arriving now as she stepped out of the car walking into the building. Thankfully, Dumbo Hall was private and there were no paparazzi outside. As much as she loved posing for a good picture, she didn't feel like it tonight. She planned on drinking and enjoying this night out with her friends. 

Steeping inside the building she said her hello to the usual people who saw her as she headed towards the elevators where she saw Julien waiting. 

"Jules!" Yelena called out once she got closer to her. 

"Yelena." Julien says. The two gave each other an air cheek kiss as the elevator doors opened and both girls stepped on. 

"Tell me you have seen that stupid post we were tagged in." Yelena says as the elevator began going up.

𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ( 𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐭 )Where stories live. Discover now