18 July, 2021

6 1 0

"You should be grateful for seats at the table,

Though it dips at one end, and the bench is unstable."

- the Fine Print, The Stupendium. 


It seems we are all passed the point of no return,

Where the stakes are too high, and there's no way to justify,

Either side of the game that we play. 


A project I recently undertook for school involved us exploring the most 'evil' corporations in the world - those that dabble in child labour, deny human rights, ect. 

Whilst there's no doubt that these companies are undeniably 'evil', the only reason why they can get away with it is because we are so dependant on them, and the processes they use to keep their products cheap and (somewhat) high quality just so happen to be breaches of general human morality. 

This got me thinking - what if, all the companies that did this were removed? Companies with facilities in developing countries, for example, that have records and evidence of them taking advantage of the civilians there - what if they were all, somehow, just gone? How much would we, as privileged people in society be affected by toothbrushes and chocolate bars suddenly costing much more than they did? How much would the people who are employed by those companies, the developing counties that rely on the presence of larger corporations in their land for jobs and tax money, even if they were being taken advantage of, be affected? 

Would removing those companies reduce suffering? Or have we gone too far so as to let society become dependant on them, so that the lack of those companies would lead to even more complications in the economy?

Where is the line drawn? 

Undoubtably, we benefit from large corporations. Undoubtably, many people across the world suffer because of large corporations. 

The world really is in a pickle.

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