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Rachel's world was spinning, her eyes were foggy and the air around her seemed as thick as rubber.
"I'm going off to bed" Gar was watching the adults around him get drunker and drunker by the minute, of course at first he had wanted to join the Titans drinking to celebrate Hanks birthday, but his sensitive nose was grateful for Dicks stricken rules. Dick had said that because of his powers that he was forbidden to underage drinking or any drinking at all because he didn't want to have to deal with any side effects.
"Don't leave me be-....."
Rachel saw Gar getting up to go, she didn't want him to leave. She loved him. She wanted him, gosh it was getting hot. Her head span around and she shut her eyes trying to focus, all the emotions of the others were getting to her core. At first she thought that one drink wouldn't hurt, maybe it would even calm her down, let her guard down, but after one, Hank was handing her more and more and now....well the world was so many things, dizzy, loud, laughing, the smell.
"Woah..Rae your drunk!" Gar felt the burning hand of Rachel's touching his legs as he stood to head off to bed, her lavender hair was a mess, and her eyes kept switching between their deep blue and fiery red.
"It's not true"
As her words slurred Gar, reached out to hold her. After trying to stand up she fell limply in his arms giggling. As amusing as watching his serious friend drunk was, Gar was distracted by how hot her skin was getting. "Rachel. Your burning up, come on I'm taking you outside."
"Take me to the rooftop.."
"No way! Your drunk you'll probably jump off or something, come on we're going outside." Gar struggled against Rachel as she resisted being led out of the room.
"Told you not to worry"
Her shoulders bounced up and down as she laughed, the whole world was shaking with her but Gars eyes, his soft eyes they stayed focused on her. "Come on Rae I just need you too-"
"What do you want from me?"
Gar almost dropped her, her eyes had turned red and her teeth sharpened and her tone and scared the shit out of him. How could she be so cute and awkward and scared one minute, then a freaking demon the next. Oh god he loved her. She was perfect, even as she smiled in her drunken stage half passing out. "Don't ask silly questions" he mocked her boopping her nose.
"Don't ask questions"
She muttered eyes returning blue. Her head tilting towards his.
Gar watched as she reached her lips closer to him, his mind blank until his rough lips collided with his so soft.
She kissed him slowly, like she had wanted to since Trigon.
He felt her soft warm hands holding him and he kissed her back, like he had wanted to since the first second his eyes met hers. Suddenly as fast as the kiss had started she pulled away.
"Wait a minute"
"Rachel I like you a lot, I may even love you, but your drunk..do you even want this?" Gars eyes had tears building up. "I do ...want ....you ..Gar." As Gar leaned his head in again Rachel pulled away once more.
"Don't you know I'm no good for you.."
"Baby, I don't....feel so good"
Rachel's stomach churned and her cheeks heated, the room was shaking too much, The emotions of everyone in the room were rising in her chest. Dick feeling lonely ate away at her, Kori feeling lost sunk into her skin, Dawns sadness seeping into her core, Hanks fears and happiness colliding with her soul, Rose, exited and restless making her headache boil her body.
Gar saw her demon side take control over her faltering body "Rachel come back to me don't  let Trigon control you, your a good guy remember." Gar tried to comfort her, to bring her back from under her fathers and the alcohol influence.
"All the good girls go to hell" 
"Rae come back to me..." Gar whispered as Rachel's eyes fluttered close
"Bite my tongue bide my time.."
She had been  waiting for the perfect time to tell him she loved him, and she had waisted it, the world was fading in and out, foggy and loud and distracting,
"Dawn! Hank! Dick! Kori! Rose!..Rachel she's passing out and shaking!! The demon side of her won't let her come back!!" Gar was panicking he could see the darkness his love created seeping out of her chest and arms. The adults all looking at Gars issues before laughing and trying to stumble over to him whilst falling over their own feet.
"What is it about them?"
"Rachel?" Her eyes fluttered
"I'm the bad guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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