Chapter 1 - Pom-Poms

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It always seemed to happen at the worst times.

It was an early morning, the sun seeped through the thin curtains adjacent from the bed she slept in. Lightly snoring, she was finally falling into deep slumber after foolishly staying up till she heard the birds chirping.

As a loud irritating noise filled the room, she was ripped out from her sleep. Groaning, she reached over and snoozed her alarm and figured five more minutes wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Deena, come on" a familiar voice spoke with irritation. "You're gonna make us late for school"

So finally, after standing there for about ten minutes or so, the figure left and she arose for the day.

After getting dressed, the typical style consisting of a dark burgundy flannel, blue straight jeans and her chucks, she swung her backpack over her shoulder and headed downstairs for breakfast. Stopping through the living room to clean the mess of last night. Disregarding the regular note always left behind by her father, never really caring what it said, she proceeded to clean the empty beer cans, remembering to turn off the tv after receiving a letter from the electric company about shutting off their services. She glanced at the note that was stuck to the top of the rest of the pile of past notes, she always wondered why he even bothered to write them, it's not like it mattered.

Finally after cleaning the mess her father made, she sat down and ate toast with butter, a favorite of hers that seemed to make her full even if it wasn't much. She glanced around the kitchen as she waited for her brother to come upstairs from the basement. She took in the environment and let the dishes fill the brim of the sink and the mail was scattered across the counter. She hated being here, she hated how things were. It had only been a few years since her mothers passing but even so, the picture frames that hung throughout the rooms of the house were filled with memories and every now and then, they'll remind her of this emptiness she sought so hard to shake off but it clung to her like the smoke from her fathers burnt out cigarettes.

Shaking her head, she picked up her things and headed towards the door,

"Josh! Let's go!" her voice echoed through the house, for a second it felt as though the cracks of paint stripped down the walls of her house.

After waiting a few minutes, both brother and sister drove to their destination.

"You have to find a ride today, I'm staying behind" Deena was the first of the two to break the silence. The Smiths created a comfortable silence beforehand.

"What? Why? You have something to do? That's school related?" Josh retorted knowing how much his sister despised school.

Deena rolled her eyes, jerking a small smile towards her brother, "Yes, in fact I'm actually trying out for the band" she shot back, earning a shocking expression from Josh.

"Okay, I don't know who you are but what have you done with my sister?!" Josh playfully gasped.

"Okay okay calm down nerd, I'm only doing it because Kate is joining the cheerleading team and doesn't want to go to the games alone" Deena explains all while staring ahead of her, making sure she doesn't get another ticket unlike last time. "Plus, it gives me a reason to practice the drums more." She glances down at the glove compartment and smiles at the pink paper loosely hanging out with the words "Speeding ticket" written across the top.

She remembers that night so vividly. She had gone 75mph in a residential area because the local 711 was serving a limited time flavor, root beer. Kate sat in the passenger, half body out the window as Deena sped through the neighborhood. She laughs to herself when she recollects the moment she braked so hard as soon as red and blue flashed behind her, Kate almost flew out the window.

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