My Love Affair w/ *Ken*

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'10' Dreamy Love Affairs 2bTb (to be Titillated by)"

My Love Affair with *Ken*


Ken was every girl's dream. Unlike Joe, the macho G.I from

the other side of the tracks, Ken was the kind of guy that everyone wanted

to marry, the kind of guy that your parents could not or would not refuse or

disapprove of because Ken was undeniably perfect. Perfectly coiffed hair

without ever a perfect hair out of place, perfect twinkling blue eyes, and a

sparkling smile perfect for toothpaste commercials and then, all this

perfectness perfected by a perfectly smooth and hard, muscular, tanned

body. And Ken was all mine. All mine!

Ever since the age of six, the year that Ken came into my

life, we were inseparable. Everywhere I school, to church, to the

bathroom, Ken came with me too. If I cried he cried. If I laughed he

laughed. Every morning we would share breakfast together and he would

always have what I was having. Every night we would have bubble-baths

together in which he would never fuss or complain if the water was too hot,

not hot enough . He was my best friend.

For my *Sweet 16* birthday Daddy bought me a pink

convertible corvette, so with Ken being his good-looking self, we were now

going to the mall, to the movies, to McDonald's. Anywhere we went we spread

our happiness. On hot summer days we would drive to Venice Beach for some

sun-bathing and surfboarding and all the other guys would be envious of him

for his perfect, golden tan , while the other girls were jealous that I had

such the perfect Ken. Even though with all the hours spent together, my

favorite part of the day was bedtime. We would snuggle up under the covers

and read Cinderella (Ken's favorite) by flashlight, three times, or until we

fell asleep. Like I said, we were inseparable. I loved Ken with all of my heart

and thought that we would be together always and never grow apart but as crazy as I

was about Ken there was one minor problem that inevitably became a major fact.

My darling, sweet Ken, the love of my life, never ever had anything to say. And he always

had a permanently painted smile upon his face.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that he never,

ever had anything to say! It was Sunday, church day, when I had

experienced a mind-blowing revelation. Picking out Ken's clothes (as I always

did because he liked me to) I was hit with a rude awakening. And I hadn't

even made it to church yet that day. My love bubble had popped and was

now stuck to my entire face like a flavorless piece of Double Bubble bubble-gum.

It dawned on me that my beloved Ken, the boy of my dreams didn't have any

balls. I was devastated. Where did they go? Did he lose them? Could he

grow them back? Did he ever have any? When I brought this sensitive

matter to his attention, he didn't say a word.. Those damned twinkling blue

eyes and that stupid permanently painted smile could do nothing but stare

back at me..speechless. I begged and pleaded with him to answer me but he

just kept on smiling like there was nothing wrong. I just couldn't go on this

way.. him not talking, and not having any balls. I loved him like I loved no

other. I loved him with all of my being. He was the one and only Ken. From

deep down inside from the bottom of my heart I still loved him, however I

knew that I just couldn't go on living like this any longer knowing that he was

nothing more than a doll without a pulse, a pretty face gone to waste, a doll

without a dick to piss. With bitter- sweet tears streaming down my cheeks I

knew the time had come to let him go. One last time I held him in my arms.

One last time I kissed him from head to toe before tucking him safely into

the trunk upstairs in the attic.. Forever! The time had come to move on and

find a real man but never would I forget and always would I remember Ken,

My first love.

And that .. was my love affair with *Ken*.


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