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I have been wanting to write this story for a long time now, so here it is.
Don't know if one will read this or not but that's okay all I wanted to do was publish this story and I'm doing it right now so I'm happy! ☺️

Here we go-

Walking towards the university having many eyes on him, some of pity, admiration, jealousy and God knows what. As he turn towards the room of his 9:30 AM class, the hall cleared, students making way for him without even making a single noise. All of them scared, sticking to the wall of the narrow corridor trying to clear the way for him, they know, they know that nobody literally NOBODY is allowed to touch even a tiny part of his body and if somebody does accidentally or not so accidentally they've to face consequences. A BEAUTIFUL WALKING DANGER that's what he's considered as, A beauty like the stars which can only be admired from a distance, the more you try to get closer the more your existence vanishing

He walks looking straight towards his destination not being bothered by his surrounding, why would he? He has gotten used to this for a long time now, gotten used to all those scared eyes, gotten used to people whispering about him, gotten used to people looking and treating him like he's some kind of danger they don't want to meddle with and Honestly he don't care he just don't care, all his life this is how he has been treated and sometimes he is Thankful for it tbh because if somebody try and approach him they never end up well, he hate his life but he hates it more when innocent people get punished because of him. He has accepted his life, his fate, if this is how things are gonna be then be it.

Kim Taehyung
Youngest son of the most dangerous Mafia leader Kim Jaehoon of South Korea,
Younger brother of Kim Namjoon(right hand of Kim Jaehoon),
Soon to be husband of Park Seojoon, a famous billionaire.

Growing up he never get to experience a motherly love, it has always been his father and his elder brother. He as a toddler always used to admire his father always talk about how he will also be like his father when he grow up Brave and Strong, unknown to the fact that as a grown up he will detest it with all his heart.

No! he doesn't hate his father he Love him the most he just hate what he does, he just hate how from childhood till now he has no control over his own life, hate how to make even a tiny decision he has to ask his father, he just hates how without his consent his marriage has been fixed to someone whom he considered as his hyung just because his father think it'll be in a benefit.

He remember how he used to sit and play as a child in his now to be husband's lap.

His Father didn't even asked for his thoughts just throw in his decision and as always Taehyung has to obey because it has always been like this since his childhood till now, first his brother and now him.

His brother's marriage was also arranged by his father, they married him off to their business partner's daughter even after knowing that since childhood his brother was interested in someone else.

His brother didn't opposed just got married to his father's will, and that's what his father is expecting from him and honestly he's trying, trying to be a good son, trying to make his father happy.

He turns and enter his classroom seeing those eyes again but as usual he didn't care, sitting in his seat which was reserved only for him, no one dare to touch or sit, he takes out his textbook getting ready for this daily routine of his life, get up, eat, get ready for classes, drop off by his driver/bodyguard, attend the classes and as usual back to home on or before 4:00PM.

He has gotten used to this boring life actually because he has no other option not like something magical will happen and he will be able to live a life of his own will. He doesn't expect anything from this life anymore, he has given up, this is how he'll be living and this is how he'll get old

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