Chapter One

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"What am I doing? " I questioned myself as the stranger attacked my lips as he always would. His hands traveled to my butt and he gave it a slight squeeze causing me to moan against his lips. He pushed me onto the bed, and his hands traveled up my dress.

I hate how he still had this effect on me. A simple touch would cause my underwear to became soaked in my bodily fluids. I wanted him, and I wanted him bad. A million thoughts raced through my mind as he massaged my pearl with his fingers. I haven't been touched in this way in over a year and my body yearned for more. No matter how much I wanted him, I know that he isn't mine.

"Chris -- wait." I said in between breaths as he sucked on my neck. He continued, and even though my words were faint, I know he heard me.

"Stooop." I whined. I pushed him away causing him to stand up completely giving me a look of confusion.

"What is it ma?" He asked me in his sing-song voice that alone sent chills down my spine.

"I can't -- do this." I stated sitting up, still struggling to get my breathing under control. " Chris you have a fiance and a baby at home. I can't do this, this isn't right." He simply stared at me as if what I was saying wasn't clear."

"Just get out, you know where the door is." I said barely in a whisper, but he got the message. He glared at me causing me too look down only to see his massive erection. To avoid staring, I looked down at my fingers hoping that he would just leave. I heard him put his pants and shoes on, and started to think about why I even let it go this far. I got lost in my thoughts only to be brought out of them by the sound of my front door slamming.

A tear escaped from the corner of my eye, and I quickly wiped it. I'm tired of crying because of him. I never would have guessed that a simple night at the club would bring back such an immense element of my past.

Laila in the MM

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