Chapter 3

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Omg I haven't updated in forever 😭, updates are going to be more frequent from now on . Feed back please? I made this chapter extra long for you guys .

"LeLe you have fun today with Auntie Amani?" I asked looking in the rearview mirror at her. She got excited and started babbling, so I guess that means that she did.

"Really? That's excellent big girl!" We continued our little "conversation" all the way home. We got in at 2:30 so I decided that I would lay Leah down for her nap so that she wouldn't be grumpy when we went out.

I laid on my bed and decided that I would call my mom to catch her up on everything. The phone rang about 8 times before she decided to pick up.

"Hey mama."

"Hey baby, why haven't you called me in years?" She asked and I sighed.

"Ma I just talked to you 2 days ago." I said giggling.

"2 days, 2 years, hell what's the difference?"

"Well if you must know, I've had a lot going on ." I said waiting on her to respond. I waited for about 15 seconds, which felt longer than that.


"Damn are you going to tell me or not, over there being all extra. Just get into what's been keeping you so occupied." She replied putting emphasis on the word occupied.

"Chill ma. Basically, I ran into Chris at a -"

"Chris, Chris?" She asked cutting me off.

"Yes ma. What other Chris? You know what forget it. Are you going to let me finish my story or not?"

"I just had to make sure, but gone head and continue."

"Okay so I ran into Chris at a club, and my emotions got the best of me and he ended up coming to the house. We almost had sex, but I came to reality and told him to get out. Next day I was on my way out with Leah and Austin when he showed up at the door. He claimed that he wanted to talk to me, and long story short he pressure me to let him take us to the store. We had fun in the store or whatever being childish and then when we got back I told him that Leah was his. Now he wanna get a DNA test today ."

I finished up my story and let go of my breath that I didn't even realize that i was holding. Moments passed and my mom still didn't say anything.

"Mama!" i yelled becoming frustrated.

"Oh now I can talk?" She asked trying to be funny. I smacked my lips and groaned. I swear my mom act so childish at times.

"I'm just playing, but when he get the results back saying that Leah is his, are you going to feel comfortable with him in her life?" Her question threw me off guard. I guess in the midst of all of this, I never really had time to think of the next step.

"I want her to have her father in her life. But you know how he is ma. I dont have time for him picking and choosing when he wants to be in my baby's life. "

" I understand your concern baby , and I want what's best for LeLe just like you. Just give him a chance while she's young to prove himself. He still is her father and you just outright keeping her from him is wrong. Don't keep her from him until he gives you a reason to."

"I hear you ma. Imma call you back, Leah just woke up."

"Alright remember what I said. And give my baby a kiss and tell her that GiGi love her."

"Okay love you mama."

"I love you too baby." Was all that she said before hanging up.

I jumped up out of the bed to go get Leah

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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