Letter from me

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Asahis POV;(

I can home today to see a letter and a sticky note on the kitchen table.
Iv gone out I'll be back later and this came it the mail for you

-love Dad

My soulmate letter Wow.. picking up the letter and going to my room, as I sat on my bed and open the envelope there was one about 20 words on the page, must be Saving them..

~letter to him/whatever~

Hi soulmate! I just wanna ask how old are you?  Since I haven't gotten a letter yet!

'Huh I haven't written anything yet Hah!'

~letter from me~

Hi I'm a guy btw and 18 years old yourself?

I clap and the note disappears wow I feel strange..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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