Chapter 62. The Department of Mysteries ☾

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A/N: Update time :) How are you guys? hope u all are well !

TW: Death


Pettigrew's fingers danced along the tabletop. He never liked the end of the year. Either he was endangering his life, or he was being chastised for not dying. No one appreciated his standing with the Dark Lord, including the Dark Lord.

"Ahem," Voldemort's breathy voice still caused fear in his most loyal subjects. At least that is what Pettigrew told himself as a shiver went down his spine. "I now call this meting to order," Voldemort said.

"Aren't we missing your most trusted spy," Pettigrew asked.

"No ever really knows where Severus, lies. He comes and goes as he pleases."

"And you allow that my Lord," Rudolphus LeStrange scoffed.

Voldemort shrugged, "He grows on you." The Death Eaters all shared a look of confusion, but quickly recovered.

"Why are we here, my Lord?" Bellatrix asked.

"As you know, over fourteen years ago, I went after one Harry Potter…"

"The boy-who-lived-to-give-us-a-headache; yes, we know," Lucius said, his head resting in his hand.

Voldemort glared at the man. "Is this not of interest to you, Lucius?"

"Of course, my Lord. Forgive me for interrupting."

Voldemort turned back to the matter at hand. "Yes, well, very few know why I went after him."

"There was a prophecy," Pettigrew responded. The Dark Lord glared at the rat

"Yes, but…"

"No one knew what it said—not all of it, at least. Snape-"

"Wormtail! Are you questioning my ability to recall the events of my own past?" Voldemort asked, his voice hard. Pettigrew cowed in his seat and shook his head slowly. The dark lord took a deep breath. "Excellent. Now as Wormtail was saying, Severus was thrown out before he could hear the rest of the prophecy. no one really knows what that prophecy revealed in full. All we know is that it foretold of a young boy born at the end of July who would be able to destroy me."

"Severus said it only mentioned a dark lord, how do we know it was you?" Lucius asked, twirling his wand in his fingers.

"Silence! Are you saying you think there is a more powerful Dark Lord than I?" Voldemort hissed. The blond dropped his wand and sat up straight. "You should be grateful I am in a forgiving mood. However, don't believe for a minute I have forgotten about this." Lucius tried to regain his Malfoy façade, but fear was evident in his eyes. "You're right. We can't know it's me, because we never heard the full prophecy. However, I know of a place where we can find it."

"Where, my lord?" Bellatrix asked, her hands folded in front of her, her eyes solely fixed on him.

"The department of mysteries."

"Hasn't Nagini been trying to sneak in for months?" Lucius asked cautiously, his attention now better placed.

"She has, and she almost succeeded. Dumbledore somehow figured it out and placed sentries at the entrance. She made it past one…"

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