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Sang Sorenson woke with a start to the incessant high-pitched beeping of her alarm. Groaning and rolling over, she slapped the snooze button on her alarm, grimacing at the rude awakening. She had never liked alarms, believing there was only one way to wake a girl up, and a blaring alarm was so not the one. The right way would be with a gentle kiss and chocolate pancakes with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Sang began to salivate at the thought and laughed when her stomach rumbled pointedly, so she got up and walked over to the small kitchenette. Deciding to treat herself as she had a long day ahead of her, she fixed up a small stack of chocolate pancakes and a mug of coffee – she'd ran out of hot chocolate and made a mental note to pick some up later. She sipped her beverage and took a bite of her pancakes, mulling over the day that lay ahead of her. Today was the day that she'd have her first of hopefully many more encounters with the Academy guys. Did she feel nervous? Absolutely. After the profiling and document-reading she did yesterday she felt like she was somewhat out of her league; seriously nine guys? The tasks and missions she was usually assigned to were much less complex, how was she supposed to go about this specific task? Was she to casually stroll in and be like "What up guys my name is Agent Sorenson, I'm nineteen and I work for an undercover investigation and intelligence bureau. I have absolutely zero legal documents to my name. Anyway I was just wondering if you'd be so kind as to let me into your organisation so that I can expose you and your dirty little secrets – thanks!" Sang began to giggle at the thought, however her laughter was cut off abruptly by the loud shrill of her iPhone. The caller ID showed it was Matt. "Hey Matt. How are you?" asked Sang through a mouthful of food, she heard chuckling on the other side.

"Eating as usual are we? I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you how you were doing, that was a great mission we did yesterday, I'm glad we got through it without any accidents like last time" he said, laughing at the reference to the previous mission they did together where there'd been a bit of a mishap. Lets just say there was a pastor, a taser and a whole load of cream cheese. Sang couldn't help but laugh too at the memory of that particular mission – everything had been a complete shambles and she was glad that it was only a one-off and didn't happen often, no matter how bizarrely funny the situation was.

"Don't even start Matt. Also yes I am eating, us nineteen-year-old girls have to eat too you know." She said, finishing off the last of her breakfast and dumping the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Well nineteen-year-old girls also have undercover bureau work to do too, so..." he trailed off, and she could almost sense the smile on his lips.

"Alright calm down I'm getting ready now. I'll speak to you soon."

"Sure, bye Sang."


Sang went back to her bedroom and lightly cracked her knuckles; it was time to get down to business. Although a longitudinal mission, today's task mainly consisted of 'bumping' into the boys and getting to know them. Before Sang joined her organisation she used to be extremely introverted and so shy to the point that she'd often deny herself of many opportunities presented to her and would usually allow her sister Marie to indulge in anything anyone offered her, whether it be food, jobs, or gifts. No longer that awkward and timid girl, Sang had matured and developed in ways she'd never before thought possible, both mentally and physically, however the time had come for her to reach into the deepest part of herself and once again revive the girl she used to be for this mission. It would be easier for her to charm her way into The Academy, as she had been briefed on their rich history of taking in broken, abused and damaged individuals. As an abused individual herself she believed she probably would be able to pull this off without too many questions asked and basked in the opportunity to let out the part of her that she had kept hidden for such a long time. Distracting herself from her depressive train of thought, she opened her closet and put on the outfit she planned on wearing; an emerald green A-line dress, which brought out the green in her eyes, and strappy white pumps, perfect for balmy late autumn. Deciding to go simple with the accessories, she added in small crystal studs to her ears and a plain silver chain necklace with a crystal bird in the middle that reached a few inches below her neckline. She brushed her hair and tied it up into her statement bun, securing it in place with a clip. She added a little mascara to her already long eyelashes and some lip balm. Completing the look she studied herself in the mirror and decided that that would have to do.

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