Chapter 5 "Training & Allies" {Edited}

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Cato’s PoV

Spectra and Brutus lead us to our rooms on Level 2. Enobaria is tearing apart some beef with her golden fangs. I’m famished from all the waxing and dressing up. It may not seem like much but I’m not the type of guy who likes makeovers. Clove takes the seat next to me, while everyone else sits across us. Avoxes are at every corner of the room supervising us.

Spectra taps her wine glass, in a posture too straight. “Be prepared for training tomorrow. You must wake up at 6:30 sharp. Since you two are Careers, you won’t have any problem with that,” she claims.

“Yeah, right,” I whisper jokingly to Clove who giggles.

“I want you two to get a score of 10 or exceed my expectations,” Spectra adds, ignoring us. We nod and continue eating the food that melts in our mouth. This room is too big for its purpose. Actually, this whole building is. Enobaria hasn’t spoken this whole entire time. Brutus dismisses us and we head off to our separate rooms.

The room is also too spacious. It has a bed big enough for four people, a view of the sky above the glittering Capitol apartments. There are gadgets set across the bedside table, which I’m not bothered exploring. I probably don’t even have to use the shower today, after the multiple times the prep team washed me.  The days will pass faster than time flies, doubtlessly. I lie on my bed, imagining how it would be like to die in the arms of someone you love. Someone knocks on my door and it startles me. Clove lets herself inside my room. She chuckles when she notices me hiding my scared expression.

“Don’t worry, it’s just me.”

Clove walks over to the window and sits on the floor; her eyes twinkling from the moonlight.

“What exactly are you doing here?” I question.

“Wasn’t tired,” she answers. I chuck her a pillow.

She catches it and stretches out her legs. She places the pillow on her thighs and looks quickly from me to the pillow. I walk over to her and put my head on the pillow.

“Training starts tomorrow.” She sighs.

“We’re going to ace it, don’t worry,” I reassure her.

She continues stargazing and I join in with her.

“Its beautiful, isn’t it?” she says, still focusing on the sky.

“Just like you,” I say while staring deeply into her eyes.

She also stares into my eyes and she slowly moves closer. Lips touching, it’s like the first time. Captivating, tender, nothing could ruin this moment. The moon making a spotlight on us, like the only thing that brightened up this room. Breathing in and out, wanting this to be never-ending. Like falling through the sky from a millions of feet above. We pull away at the same time, wanting that feeling back so badly. She looks at me, smiling as her hair falls on her face. I push her hair behind her ears.

I sit up and say, “I think you should go to bed, you know Enobaria, she’d get mad.”

“Can I stay with you please?” she almost pleads. It convinces me instantly.

I nod in approval. I help Clove up and walk to the bed. She lies on my shoulder while hugging my arm. In a few seconds, I hear faint breathing from her as I slowly fall asleep too.

A Thousand Years. (A Clato Fan Fiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now