1: Letting Go

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Jon sat on the couch, thinking about Eliza. The one kid in school that he hated the most back in metropolis, was the kid who is now dating Eliza.

Jordan suddenly walked into the living room, seeing his brother upset.

"What's up?" Jordan asked as he sat next to Jon.

"Your lucky you know" Jon said sadly. Jordan was confused.

"Why?" Jordan replied. "Well, you have Sarah, and, well, I have no one" Jon said sadly, his voice growing smaller as he said those words.

"Jon, that not true. You have me, your friends with Sarah, and you have mom and dad. And I'm sure Eliza won't be your last girlfriend" Jordan said.

Jon nodded. "Okay, if your so sure..." Jon said sadly. But little did he know, there was a girl at school, just waiting for him to talk to her.

Katelin lay down in her bed, thinking about Jonathan. Her thoughts were interrupted by her twin sister, Layla.

"Thinking about that boy at school?" Layla teased. Katelin rolled her eyes. "No!" Katelin replied.

"I know you like him" Layla said. Katelin growled as Layla laughed.

The next day at school, Katelin summoned the courage to tell Jonathan how she felt, but then Jordan walked up to Jon.

Katelin walked away, trying not to be suspicious.

"I do not have a crush on Jonathan" she mumbled over and over again.

Suddenly Jordan burst out laughing.

She froze. Did she say that to loud? Then she sped off. Jordan started laughing even more.

"Dude I think she likes you" Jordan said. Jon blushed. He turned to face his locker so that no one saw him blush. Jordan walked away laughing his head off, until he saw Sarah. "Hey Sarah!" He said as he saw her.

Jon realized that he himself started developing feelings for that girl. She had beautiful blue eyes, and brown hair that looked like a Princess's. He forced himself to stop blushing and immediately walked to his class.

During class, the girl walked in. Jonathan immediately blushed and covered his face with a book. "Welcome Katelin" the teacher said.

"Please don't be late next time" the teacher added. "Katelin, huh?" He thought. Then Jordan shoved his elbow into Jon's arm.

"You teased me about Sarah, now it's my turn" Jordan whispered while giggling.

Katelin's heart dropped at those words. She figured that Jon must have feelings for someone else

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