Saturn And Ceres In Charge

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Infinity dashed through the hallway, his feet clacking on the tiled floor.

He scanned each room he passed. No signs of Squeaky, Butter Soda, Fizz, Kendama, Hot Chocolatey or Snap. 

"Gosh, where are they? I need to get going soon, and someone needs to look after this place so it doesn't crumble into chaos!" He checked his pocket watch. Where did the pocket watch come from? He didn't even reach into his pocket. Never mind that, he was going to be late! He had to find someone competent enough to-

Perfect! Ceres and Saturn were in the back lawn. 

"Hey girls! I have something big to ask of you." The two children's eyes flicked over curiously to their father.

Infinity took a moment to think. Was this really a good idea..?  He had to go right now, there's nobody else around to do this. He has to trust they're ready for responsibility, especially Ceres if she wanted to be a host. He wouldn't be gone long anyway.

"I need you two to look after the hotel for me, okay? Do you think you can do that for me? Only for 10 minutes while I pop to do something." Infinity knelt down to the girls' level, beaming hopefully.

"Yeah! We can do it! Right Saturn? We can handle it!" Ceres punched the air excitedly. They'd been waiting for this opportunity. 

Saturn on the other hand just wanted to help out; it could be fun to look after the hotel for a little while.
 "Oh, yeah, we can do that! I can help!"

"Brilliant! Uh, just don't destroy everything and we should be good! As I said before, I won't be gone long. Nothing too bad can happen in 10 minutes anyway." He barely had time to give Ceres and Saturn a hug before hopping off to who knows where.

"Ooh, what should we do first now that we're in charge?" Ceres grinned, thinking of the possibilities. They could renovate the hotel, help out contestants, the possibilities were endless.

"Maybe we should wait for people to come to us with problems, in case we distract them from their grown up stuff." Suggested Saturn. She had accepted the responsibility but wasn't as confident as Ceres to run to people's aid all around the hotel. 

"Hmmm... You could be right there, sis. Okay, so say we're waiting. What then? We need to show that we're in charge! For these 10 minutes, we aren't kids, we're in charge! Like Dad! Like grown ups! And do you know what grown grown ups do?" Ceres looked unexpectedly at a confused Saturn, who shook her head.

"They use awesome powers!" She then realised what they said. "Er, no offence to you because you don't have powers and all; but dresses are still cool! Just as cool as powers!"

Saturn nodded, stood up, and twirled in the dress she had on. A large, white, frilly one. 

"My point is, I want to see if I can try out some new stuff! Like the stuff Dad taught me! We've been training for aaaaages now, so I'm sure I've got the hang of it!"

At this moment, it had been less than a minute since Ceres and Saturn were left in charge.

"Maybe, yeah! I don't think people will be very happy if you accidentally set things on fire or make someone vanish again though." Saturn mumbled.

"I promise you, nobody will vanish and nothing will be set on fire!" Ceres was getting a little too excited and hyper over this now. 

"Okay Saturn, stand back, I can feel my powers, fired up and ready to go (but not to set things on fire)!" Saturn helpfully jumped backwards, and Ceres wiggled her fingers. 

"What should I do? Aw man, I better try that creation stuff Dad taught me! But making juggling balls? That's lame. I'm gonna make something big, like a fort. I bet everyone will like that!" 

As Ceres went on about what they were going to do with their powers first, a vale of energy, slowly expanding, grew over their hands.

"And look at that! I didn't even do much, and boom! This is gonna be cool!" She flicked her wrists at the ground, stretching her hands as Saturn spectated soundly behind a tree.


A light blinded the two children for a second, until they could see their surroundings.

"Uh oh.. Ceres, did you blow up the hotel again..?" Saturn asked meekly behind the now smoking tree.

Ceres replied, sounding as if she was in awe. "No.... Something way cooler." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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