Chapter 1

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You are a secret. That's what people have told you your whole life. At least the people that know about you, because you're the daughter of Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock. Your moms decided it was better for you to keep you out of the spotlight and let you live a normal life, despite them being two of the most famous actresses in the world. It's not a bad life, this way. You got to go to day care like a normal child, went to public school and right now you're in high school. It's not easy making friends you can trust enough to bring them home and introduce them to your moms, but you found one, Ellie. You met her in day care and you two have gone through all stages of school and friendship together. Ellie's dad is a very busy business man and her mom left when she was 2, which is why for Ellie, your moms were like hers and for them Ellie was like their daughter. She went on vacation with you and practically lives with you in your room, where she has her own cabinet and clothes. Your moms of course had to work a lot and be away too, but they always made sure they'd spent enough time with you.

Name: Y/N Bullock/Blanchett
Age: 17
Height: 1.78m/5.7ft
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Relations: Sandra Bullock (mom), Cate Blanchett (mom), Ellie Brown (best friend)

Name: Ellie Brown
Age: 17
Height: 1.70m/5.5ft
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Relations: Y/N Bullock/Blanchett (best friend), Michael Brown (dad),

Name: Sandra Bullock
Age: 56
Height: 1.71m/5.6ft
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Relations: Cate Blanchett (wife), Y/N Bullock/Blanchett (daughter)

Name: Cate Blanchett
Age: 52
Height: 1.73m/5.6ft
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Relations: Sandra Bullock (wife), Y/N Bullock/Blanchett (daughter)

This was just a little back story. Hope you enjoyed it. By the way Andrew and the kids don't exist in this story. Cate and Sandy met each other back in 2001 and got secretly married. Until today nobody knows about their marriage nor you.
Love L

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