Chapter 2: The Secret Dweezil

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Sam landed on his rear in a room so bright he had to shut his eyes.  Then Dani screeched and Smidge scrambled out of his sweatshirt, yapping wildly.

They were in a white circular room but the walls were made of light. Bright, eye tearing light.

He turned around to see what Dani was screaming at.

A monster, huge, maybe seven feet high with eggplant purple skin and a  bunch of metal parts making his huge muscles even larger leaned over to inspect Smidge, who was still going insane. He made a series of electronic beeps and warbles.

“English, Shurg. We have guests,” Anjanshay said in a bossy voice.

“Children no need to be alarmed. This is my little brother Shurganshay.”

“Little?” Dani squeaked.

Shrug scooped up the dog and growled at it, softly. Smidge quit yipping and perked her ears forward.

“An amusing miniature canine. Quite adorable, really. She and I will become fast friends.” Shurg stroked the tiny dog with a summer sausage thick finger and Smidge dissolved into delighted wiggles and licks.

“Shurg, these two need to be outfitted for life on board. They will be traveling with us indefinitely. Quite shocking how lone children just wander the streets down there,” Anjanshay said.

“I told you it was a barbaric world, but you wouldn’t listen. Still, it is fortuitous the young ones have been rescued from a difficult existence. Come, follow me.” He put Smidge down and she loped after him like a gazelle.

“He’s your little brother?”Sam asked.

“Oh, yes though it is difficult to see the resemblance. He was taken at the age of nine and  altered. Mechanized Space Forces. They have to start the alterations at age nine.”

“A blight on the entire universe,” Shurg said even though he was yards ahead of them.

Anjanshay tapped her ears. “Super hearing, of course.”

“Of course,” Sam said.

“This isn’t an RV, is it?” Dani asked. She sounded a little scared so Sam took her hand . She was only eight.

“Nope. This is the Secret Dweezil.”

“It’s a space ship?” Sam asked.

“Yes, and more, of course. You’ll learn about dweezil physics in time.”

“Why is it a secret?” Dani asked.

“Oh. Because grandpa was in charge of making them for the military. He made an extra one for us. So we could get away. Or else Trex would have been taken away to be mechanized,” Lona said.

“Here are your rooms. Shurg will bring you space suits. I’ll come check on you at three bells.” Anjanshay rushed off.

“You’ll be okay with Lona?” Sam asked Dani.

Lona opened the door which snapped open with a clank. Inside was a small room with beds built into the wall and two small desks on the opposite side.

“I’ll be okay. It’s exciting to be on a spaceship.” Dani bounced into the room with Lona.

“Once we’re changed and settled we’ll open the viewer between our rooms. Then we can talk and see each other.” Trex opened his door with a snap and Sam followed him into the room.

“I already have the bottom bed. Here’s how you get the ladder.” Trex tapped an oval on the wall and a ladder sprang out. “But wait until Shurg brings your space suit.” Trex took off his clothes and threw them into a cupboard that opened from the wall, then pulled on a skin tight suit in bright green.

“Why do we need to change?” Sam asked.

“We’re going to Dweezil.”

Sam was going to ask about that but Shurg entered the room with a bright purple suit in hand. He was wearing a neon pink space suit. Smidge was tucked into a pocket on his massive chest.

“Dress quickly. We will Dweezil in ten. And do not concern yourself with the safety of the tiny canine. She will be safe with me.”

Shurg left. Sam undressed,tossed his clothes in the cupboard Trex used and pulled on the thin purple knit space suit.

“Now what?”

“Just get comfortable on your bed. Anjanshay will check on us in a few minutes.”

Bells bonged and Anjanshay, now purple skinned, popped into the room wearing a violent yellow space suit.

“Good, young men. Captain Eli thinks he saw a blip, so off we go! Stay on your bunks until three bells.”

She rushed out of the room and a loud alarm sounded. Sam wondered if Dani was okay.

“Hey, what’s a Dweezil?” He called down to Trex.

“You know how we got to the ship? That flash?”


“That was a minor Dweezil. We’re going to do a major Dweezil to a different section of the universe. In case we’re being followed.”

There was a hum and suddenly his body was held completely immobile. He couldn’t wiggle his fingers. His mouth and eyes still moved, but nothing else.


—There was a volcanic FLASH.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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