Spell 1: Ianuae Magicae

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Am I dead? I ask myself as I open my eyes slowly , I'm standing in a dark room of what looks like an abandoned house, I look around me in terror looking for them, They are not here, I whisper to myself in disbelief,they were standing right in front of me seconds ago, but they are not here, I repeat as if I'm trying to reassure myself, and I sigh in relief.

How am I not dead? Or am I? How do you even know if you are? Moments ago I thought they were my final moments, I was surrounded, nowhere to go, nowhere to run, they trapped me... I closed my eyes "this is it" I thought and I was ready to go calmly, I have never thought that I would be this calm in the face of death, but I was, when I felt a warmth in my hand that quickly spread into my whole body, I thought this is how death felt, weirdly empowering, and I heard them screaming but i didn't open my eyes, I felt a sudden change around me,and here I was, standing here alone. I look at my hand, and I catch a glimpse of faded glow on the card I'm holding.

I sit on the dusty hardwood floor, panting , my heart and mind racing , rewinding everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours , trying to wrap my head around it, how did I get here? I ask myself as I look at the card in my hand , I teleported here, I chuckle to the idea, do you have any idea how insane you sound, Leslie? I look at it again, it's no longer glowing. This is the first time that I get a good look at it since this whole thing started, I hold it in front of me, it's a card, an empty fortune teller card, I chuckle , Why do they all want this ? And why can't I for the life of me just give it to them and walk away?

I examine the card carefully, it looks really old but still beaming with a radiant golden color , it has six engraved  cases on this side, they are all empty, Exactly like when I got it, it was empty,and the crazy fortune teller said something that made no sense to me, "filling it is your destiny." she said, giving me an uneasy feeling. I flip the card, this is new... there is a symbol and a text in a language that I don't understand,they weren't here before,the cases were all empty. I look at the symbol closely, it's a picture of a human skeleton falling from a black hole,and the text...I have never seen these letters in my life, and yet, somehow, I can read it, hell, I understand it...

                                                                         "I𐌀𐌍𐌖𐌀𐌄  𐌌𐌀𐌂𐌉𐌂𐌀𐌄"

"Ianuae Magicae", Teleport...

 I think about what happened earlier, what I felt in my hand, the glow,and the symbol appearing out of nowhere, there is no logical explanation, in fact there is no explanation at all, nothing I can say without sounding like I have lost it completely...I will just go head and say it, I did teleport here,I chuckle in disbelief,never in my life I've thought I would say this sentence. The card brought me here, it saved my life... 

My eyes feel heavy, I need to rest I have been running for so long, I will lay down here a little, I don't know where else to go anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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