Challenge #7: CLOSED

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Welcome to our seventh challenge!

Let's judge a book by its title this week!

Challenge Details:

💜 Find a story with a number in the title. 

Example: One Friday Evening. 

💜 Read its first chapter and leave a comment. 

💜 Include "#ISW @InterstellarWriters" at the end of your comment.

💜 Make sure it is a genuine comment and is at least 5 sentences long. It will not count otherwise. Example of a genuine comment is given below.

💜 Once you've completed the challenge, comment "Done" below along with the title of the story you commented on! And don't forget to tag the author!

Example: Done! Luminescent by @NobblerWobbler


What to do:

Example: This is an amazing story with a lot of potential! You had a few grammatical errors so maybe get those fixed, but overall it is fantastic! I love the way you created the character dynamics. Each one is unique and plays an important part in the story. Good luck with your next chapter. I will definitely be reading #ISW @InterstellarWriters

What NOT to do:

Example: This was a good story. I liked it. Good job. 


Prize Details:

💜 You will get 3 points that will go towards the prize shop.

💜 Our prize shop includes things like shout-outs, follows, etc.

💜 If you completed our last challenge(s), these points will be added to your previous scores.


You've until 07/25 to complete this challenge - 1 week starting NOW!

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