character details. #0

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character details you may have missed so that you dont out me about it.

we are going by teachers-students

principal nedzu-opinions_
nedzu is a mouse that was tested on by scientists, making him lose the title of mouse. he had gained a quirk due to the experimentation. animals with quirks are discriminated against due to the fact that humans find it abnormal.

aizawa shouta- quirk_eraser
is only capable of forcing deactivation, or blocking activation of one's quirk. cannot use on self or mutation quirks.

aizawa shouta- relations_family
is not related to hitoshi shinsou in any way besides interning shinsou.

all might-relations_family
is not related biologically to izuku midoriya. never was. only gave one for all to midoriya and is his mentor. is not in a relationship with inko midoriya. never was. they only met when getting parental figures permission for students to stay at dorms.

is not sexually or romantically interested in anyone, only acts like it for show.

is important due to being a staff member at yuuei. without him, the students would be anti-learnable

present mic-relations_dating
is not in a relationship with aizawa shouta canonically. only best friends.

vlad king-personality_
is not rude, just grouchy due to being used to traditional ways of teaching even though has worked at yuuei for 5+ years already.

new_subject; students
topic=herocourse-general education

izuku midoriya-personality_
is not precious or innocent. has been on the internet before so has witnessed sexual comments and sexual research. is not the smartest in class. does not stutter all the time.

shoto todoroki-relations_dating
is not dating izuku midoriya or anyone. has no interest or knowledge about crushes or romantic relationships.

shoto todoroki-relations_family
was not physically abused. only neglected. does not hate enji todoroki anymore. has moved on now.

katsuki bakugou-relations_dating
is not in a relationship with izuku midoriya or eijiro kirishima. take the hint.

tenya iida-everything_
not all the time is proper. was a character made to represent autism. autism isn't being dumb you pellet. search it up.
snaps quite easily and cares about honoring the iida family, honoring your family is important for a Japanese family's reputation. it's traditional.

denki kaminari-random_
he isn't dumb because of not understanding anything, it's because his quirk slowly decreasing his iq each time he uses his quirk until finally he is braindead. he doesn't hate anyone in his class. he isn't dating anyone either. he has perverted traits too you rodent.

momo yaoyoruzu-random_
does not have a crush on shoto todoroki, only admires his power. is not a whore, it's her quirk.

ochako uraraka-random_
don't out her because she canonically is the main love interest to izuku midoriya. is not a slut.

kyoka jiro-random_
Is canonically bisexual and the shy girl.


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