The man

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  I was woke up to an alarm sound but I was dreaming, but it was my house except..the basement.. it was the basement from one of my worst nightmares. I went back upstairs and decided to go to my art room.

  I then apparently remembered that my dad was strict and put cameras everywhere, except he moved out(?). I then went to his room, grabbed the device that collects the data from the camera to figure out where it is. It turns out it was my lamp. As soon as I grab my lamp, I hear the doorbell ring. I go to the door and see Stixz and 2 other people.

  It was weird because one of the people, a guy, had a username type thing you'd see in video games. It went something like ????boy. I don't remember the first part. Then there was a man. I assume is a father to one of them but I'm not sure. I then went back to my art room and remembered the lamp.

  I went to grab it to destroy it but the man stopped me by grabbing my arm. I noticed Stixz and the guy were in my room and I asked the man to let go but he didn't. I then called out for the others and they both came, except the boy made it to the room and Stixz tripped. The boy pried the man off me and we tried to exit the room.

  The man attempted to grab me but the random guy pushed me aside. The man then pulled a gun from behind his back, apparently it had only one bullet and he planned on using it on me. But instead he then shot the boy. It was so gruesome. I then ran over to the art room door, figured out a way to lock it from the outside and whispered to Stixz to run to the basement.

  They nodded and ran down. I ran to my room, grabbed my phone and met Stixz down in the basement. Since I remember this basement like the back of my hand, I grabbed Stixz hand and ran to the exit door. It lead to a baseball court and right next to it was a gas station. It was Kwik Star, but distorted.

  We ran to the fence and there had already been a hole, so we crawled through. We ran into the gas station as soon as we got in the doors, we begged for them to call the police. The workers wouldn't budge. I decided we should go try and run to a police or fire station. Stixz just nodded. Never talked. We ran but then I realized it was a road, like an interstate.

  My town wasn't like that. I shook it off and continued running, The man then started running at us screaming something, I don't remember though. It was a blur. Stixz and I continued to run faster and a cop car actually stopped us. I jumped in the car and I told them we had a murderer chasing us. The second cop on the right was about to close his door but was then stabbed in the head.

  The knife still sticking out. I jumped out of the car and grabbed Stixz. I started to run back to throw the man off but instead a woman came.

  I don't know who she was but apparently the man knew her. We ran past one of those signs that tell you what town your in, but the sign was blurry and distorted. The woman then put some type of explosive behind the sign.

  The man got to that area and as soon as he did, he got blown up. Blood and guts everywhere. It was so disgusting. After that, we walked back to my house and just sat there. I told Stixz to go home and they just hugged me and left. I looked at my tv but it somehow reminded me of the man so I threw it out.

  I went to my art room and broke the lamp. That's when I realized. The camera wasn't from my dad. It was from the man. Then I woke up.

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