A kind introduction

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Through pen and paper my words drop from my tongue quite nicely

But speaking with other my words get lost in the air betwen us.

I never admit much of my feelings, really, I never do,

Just something about the paper pulls my heart closer and splatter the ink of my words all around.

To be completely honest first,

Not one star in the night shines brighter than my personailty.

I donate my love to those in need, and fight no battle without my sharpened respect

But through the windows of others I'm seen as someone else

Their thick glass distorts their vision and they think

"A boy so respectful must be gay, right?"

"Right." they often reassure themselves.

Is everyone cursed with a pane of density and width but me,

Or have I a mind so ignorant I forget that I too am looking through a window.

School is the place I can let my mind saunter across the rays of light reflecting off the white boards

School is the place I m determined to get good grades but am always defeated by laziness

School is the place I am reunited with my friends and almost feel at home

School is the place we've all grown up, whether we like it or not

My words are not a joke 

They come from deep inside

Just a teenager that's broke

Writing down his feelings with pride

Teenager: Original Poetry by a Fifteen Year Old BoyWhere stories live. Discover now