Chapter 17

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A/N: okay so last chapter was exciting and here is it's resolution! I was very proud of last chapter's length and it's posting time. Woohoo! Yay me. Alas, this tis not as long. I hope you all are happy with it anyway and thanks for the increasing support! I know I sound incredibly lame being all hiped up about 1,500 reads but there yuh have it folks!

Another note, I'm dedicating this chappy to an awesome person named Bailey, without her this book wouldn't be possible (though it's far from finished)! 8D

You will all HATE me after this (bwahahahaha), but I promise to update before tomorrow night.

Comment, Fan, and Vote like the amazing people you are!



As I begin to run back, I feel a few terrible pains in my right front leg, near the paw. Yet the injuries are sort of dulled....Katie. No.

No. No. No.

I'm too far away. I can't help.

How could I have left? What's happening to her?

As I ask the questions in my head I hear -and feel- my shoulder give a sickeningly painful pop. I force it back in place and continue running without slowing down.

It's them that there is a shattering, sharp stab on one side of my rib cage -leaving terrible pains stinging me all along the area- and then the other, though this time feels more like scraping than stabbing. All illusions of dullness are left behind, though I know what Katie is going through is much worse. I am nearly knocked on my feet at the awful blows, but instead of slowing I go faster.

I run quicker than I ever have before.

In Katie, my amazing mate's, words: 'I even blurred a little.' My paws hit the ground at such a rapid pace it feels like they never leave it at all, and my heart pumps every second there is. Still, it's not fast enough and I have to push harder.

Katie is in trouble.

How could I have left her so far away?

It's then that I feel a much more blunt, though jut as painful blow to the right side of my face.

He must have punched her.

No no no....

The blow makes me fly forward even faster, though it's still not going to get me to Murphy in time. The punch is followed by the worst pain yet, an excruciatingly sharp scrape across the already beaten cheek.

What could he possibly be don't to her?


He is going to pay dearly.

My body shakes in pain at the sights of all the injuries, and it feels as if there are still tiny knives stinging me shards. Or some mind of break-off from the weapon he used.

The only think that keeps me from howling is that there are no more strikes against her. No more hurt for Katie. Though if I feel this terrible, she might not even be conscious. If the awful scraping and stabbing broke skin -and I am 99.9% sure it did- she has to be bleeding profusely.

I have to get home.


I force myself ever faster, but to my utter despair I can't speed up any more.

It then that I open Tom, James, Chris, Aaron, Everett, Luke, and my father into link. My mind immediately explodes with undefined voices. After a few moments of muddled speaking Dad commands:

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