Part 1

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Futakuchi expected a lot of things from his first day at Date Tech High school. But what he definitely didn't expect was meeting a giant.

He was running a bit late because of the train delay and wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, focusing solely on finding his class in time. He made his way through the hallway full of other students, some of them looking even more confused than he was. He studied the printed instructions again and hoped he was walking in the right direction.

He turned the nearest corner and collided with a living wall. Or rather, the wall collided with him. Futakuchi staggered, almost falling to the ground if not for a hand catching his wrist and pulling him back to balance.

"Jeez, what a heck?" he sputtered, ready to cuss out whoever the other person was.

He was met with the intense gaze of a white-haired boy.

Futakuchi gasped. He never considered himself a short person in any way, he was the tallest in his class in junior high, but the guy in front of him was an actual giant. Not only he was half a head taller than Futakuchi, but also obviously stronger, with his broad shoulders and large muscular build.

"Ehh....hi?" he tried, all of his irritation gone, replaced by dread. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you."

His voice betrayed him a bit, and the giant furrowed his almost non-existent eyebrows.

Futakuchi felt a shiver running down his spine, wondering if he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. But the boy in front of him just bowed his head a few times, his gaze suddenly softening and morphing into apologetic. Or at least Futakuchi thought so.

"It's ok, I should've watched where I was going," he offered, hoping he guessed the other's emotions correctly.

The giant tilted his head.

"I'm fine. Thanks for catching me."

He noticed the other visibly relaxing upon hearing his words and calmed down. The only thing that puzzled him was the other hadn't said a single word yet.

Is he mute?

The gong sounded through the hallway, announcing the lessons will be starting soon. Futakuchi carefully freed his wrist from the other's grasp.

"So, ehm, I should get going. You don't happen to know where the class 1-A is, do you?"

The boy nodded, gesturing to follow him. Futakuchi rejoiced.

"Thanks, you are a savior."

They arrived just in time. Futakuchi was surprised when he realized he and the white-haired boy are in the same class.

Well, at least I know someone already.

He also realized he didn't even ask the other's name.

Being it their first day, the teacher explained everything they needed to know about starting at the new school. She then called out their names.

Futakuchi always hated these introductions. It felt weird to just stand up in a class full of strangers whose names he won't be able to remember right now anyway. But this time, he paid extra attention.

"Aone," called out the teacher.

The white-haired boy, Aone, stood up awkwardly, almost knocking his chair over in the process, which caused a wave of whispering and snickering through the class. Futakuchi frowned, shooting a glare at two guys in front of him who had the loudest comments, already knowing he certainly won't be friends with them.

Aone's cheeks coloured to light pink as he bowed and quickly sat down again, nervously fidgeting with this fingers.

Futakuchi felt sorry for the giant, Aone dammit, as it seemed this wasn't the first time he was a target of behind-the-back whispers.

He decided he didn't like that at all.

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