.01 The Bar

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The time is 1 am and George isn't the type to go to bars. Though, tonight was different. It started as a bet with his friend Quackity. It was a late-night call, regular joking, and teasing. Quackity mentioned his upcoming stream where he would be drunk with his friends. He was traveling to Mexico. George was stupid enough to comment on him not having been to a bar before. Of course, he had had a drink or two in his time. It was not often at all though, it wasn't even enough to get him heavily drunk. He had never been drunk before, and honestly, he wanted to keep it that way.
That was until tonight happened. The music, the people, the scent of sweat, drugs, and alcohol. It was enough to send him into the club mindset. He let himself go, it's good to be selfish sometimes.

George gave in to the feelings, made his way to the bar, and ordered two shots of Spirytus Vodka. He could use it, but he didn't realize it usually is the strongest. When he took the first shot, it was cold, stale, bitter. Any other disgusting words you could think of. The only thing that pulled him in to drink more was the warmth in the bottom of his stomach. He downed his second shot. He could sit here, taking shots, listening to eardrum blasting music, sweaty bodies dancing around, and thinking about absolutely nothing all night. This was enough for him, then he could go back and tell Quackity that he had been to a club and gotten drunk.

It was his first time drinking in a while and it only ended up taking him 2 shots of vodka for his mind to convince him to go dance on the dance floor. He didn't have any thoughts that would stop him, he danced with his feet and from there. All he knew was that he was moving to the rhythm in his heart. One foot after another, as the music sunk into his being. The music became the only thing he was and the only thing he knew. Even bumping into people wasn't enough to take it out of him. He only felt the floor, music, and rhythm of it all. His mind was hazy and emotion-drawn.

Few hours went by on trips to the bathroom, occasional trips outside to get some fresh air. This happened to be one of his trips for fresh air, he brushed his bangs out of his eyes. He was getting slightly hazier as each hour passed. He glanced at his watch:4am. He stepped out on the sidewalk and sat himself down. It wasn't until now, he realized he wouldn't be able to get himself home. He can't drive drunk, that was the least bright thing to ever think of. He also didn't know any other way to get home though, Quackity was in Mexico. Nowhere close to the UK. He felt the anxiety start to bubble up from the warmth in the stomach. Slowly replacing it, which was a horrible feeling on alcohol. George glanced up to the sky, only to make out fuzzy stars, and smoke of cigarettes nearby. He leaned back against the cold wall of the building behind him, thoughts starting to fill his mind. Unknowing what to do next, confusion and fear started to flood him. Bringing his knees up to his chest, he stared at the ground. Usually, he wouldn't be this overwhelmed but the haziness of his thoughts sent him over the edge.

"What's goin' on with you?" He heard a rasp of a voice from the entrance of the bar. His thoughts come to a sudden halt at the sound of a new voice. He glances up at the taller man. He wasn't sure what to think as he watched him squat down to his level. His eyes, green; Glowing through the haze and darkness of the night. Comforting almost. With a level of intimidation there as well. He wasn't sure what to say.

"Nothing really, I guess." He shrugged his shoulders, dismissing his question easily. The back of his mind screamed at him to ask for a ride. If he was sober, at the same time, he knew it was dumb for him to even consider. He doesn't even know the guy.

"Look, I have been around here long enough to recognize a new timer when I see one. You haven't drunk much before, have you?" He questions. The ability to read through George's dryness was almost haunting. George stared at him with a look of confusion and concern. "What? You learn the difference after a while. Let's get you some water, then discuss what to do from there. 'Kay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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